Are you on Cara Delevingne's page saying the same thing?
Also have you considered that Lupita might not be getting that many auditions as is taking what she can?
This is what Hollywood is like for a lot of people. You cannot blame Lupita for that. She is just a person seizing an opportunity.
You think Angelina, Drew Barrimore or Jaden Smith would be where they are now without their family connections? Cameron Diaz had no acting experience before the Mask and ended up working with Martin Scorsese.
Unlike the people I mentioned Lupita actually trained in acting. I'm not saying that makes her better but if you're going to spend three years dedicating yourself to a craft then you have in a sense paid your dues.
Actors get asked to take parts without auditioning all the time. The fact is if a director likes you he or she will have you.
Also she did audition for Tiger Lily and did not get the part.