MovieChat Forums > Anthony Fauci Discussion > Rightwingers say "Liberalism is a diseas...

Rightwingers say "Liberalism is a disease" because the desire to be free is just a mental illness.

They want you to believe your desire to be free, your desire for things to be better, your desire to do what you wish with your own body, eat clean food, drink clean water, breathe clean air, go where you want to go and live how you please is a mental illness.

This is how they justify destroying the environment and wiping out the EPA. This is how they justify poisoning you with GMOs and all kinds of chemicals and justify hiding it. This is how they justify poisoning your water and then turning around and making you pay them for clean water.
This is why they created the Patriot act and NSA to control and to spy on you. This is why they not only want strong borders but closed borders so you cannot escape or go to and from like we used to be able to.
Before Bush we could cross to Canada and Mexico and back without a passport. We would just tell the CBP what citizenship we had and they'd let us through. Sometimes we'd shout the state we were from and they couldn't stand that, although they were implants from some military compound in some other state and were just living in our state themselves.
This is why they want 5G and want everyone to have cell phones and smart TVs so they can spy on and control everything you do, everything you buy, every job you work at and every dollar you earn. Even the money and property you worked for and OWN is not your own. If you so much as transfer more than $10,000 conservatives can't STAND IT and the government has to be informed of it. If you're traveling with $4000 or more they confiscate it.
They claim BS claims like it is to curb "terrorism" and "drug trafficking" when they know damn well they are the ones committing the most terrorism, provoking it overseas and are the ones who are trafficking it. CIA Torture Jet wrecks with 4 Tons of COCAINE
This is why conservatives hate the ACLU because they protect our freedoms like how they made it illegal for the TSA to stop people for just carrying cash.
ACLU Sues TSA For Airport Search Of Man Flying With $4,700
Ironically he was a FUNDRAISER for the Ron Paul campaign but when it came to foreign policy Ron Paul was very liberal and sensible and believed what our founding fathers believed that we shouldn't be starting wars of aggression in foreign lands.
ACLU Sues DHS Over Unlawful TSA Searches And Detention

They want you to be grateful slaves, happy to be content with the prison feudal system you are forced into at birth without any agreement.


It's the left who are the controlling central planners.


If that's the case why did the right create the income tax in 1918? Why did the right start the NSA, and draft and push the Patriot Act Through congress and pass it? Why does the right maintain the control of the police while the left says defund them? Why does the right believe in a huge controlling government, huge support for the violence class and huge support for prisons and the justice department. Why does the right believe in provoking terrorism so they can force us to be controlled by the TSA at airports while leaving and then controlled by CPB while returning? If the right isn't into control why do they believe in not just strong borders but closed borders when they are nothing but fake socio-political constructs?
Central planners: Really? Why did the right force us to accept centralized electricity production under Edison's plan so that we are constantly paying the man while Tesla wanted everyone to be able to make their own electricity.
Why did the right like Nixon conspire with Edgar Kaiser to destroy our health care system by centralizing it into HMOs and Hospitals and conspire to give us the least care for the most cost?
Why does the right hate anyone who wants to live off grid.
Why does the right disbelieve in FREE LAND? In other countries like the UK, Finland, France or just about any other places in the world there is land NO ONE OWNs where you can just stop your car or your van and camp and sleep there.
Yet in America, as far as the eye can see every section of land is OWNED and goes barren and unused. Every highway you travel on some you pass by miles and miles of land that is left fallow that some huge factory farm owns. The only land that is free and unowned is BLM ( Bureau of Land Management) land and the right cannot STAND that either. You can go park your camper or van on it but only for 2 weeks before the police come along and force you to move it. There is NO free land in the USA thanks to the right.


Garbage. That's what "rightwingers" do? You are afraid of 5G? Then you can be so glad that your beloved leftwingers will stop it immediately...not.


Pete314 You are PRECISELY an example of what I mean. You hate the idea of leftwingers stopping anything that could control us but you chuckle that they won't able to. You prove my point. Thank you.


Ever heard of Snowden? When he started whistleblowing (about anything that could control us, sic), when he had to flee, when he had to seek asylum in fucking RUSSIA(!!!), who was president of the US then? A right winger? Oh, you hypocrites...
If freaking a-holes like Nixon, Reagan, or Bush junior did something alike, I'd say "Hey, it's natural for them". But it was your 'prince of peace', remember?


If you're going to troll, you need to tone it down a bit otherwise people won't bite.


Which proves I'm not trolling and proves I am trying to get you to think for your SELF.


I don't know how you've come to these conclusions but I suggest to listen to this video from William Cooper. There's some wild claims about UFOs and stuff but what he says about right/left, control, socialism etc makes sense. At the very least you're looking at stuff from a different perspective.


Right wing vs. Left wing is an archaic description. The new breed of Republicans are both socially conservative and socially liberal (I myself am socially liberal). The thread that binds us is we hold personal freedoms dear, and oppose a tyrannical government. Democrats tend to be only socially liberal, but here is the key difference, they tend to be bootlickers to an authoritarian government and believes it and obeys it, regardless of how often that government lies to them or tramples on their liberties and sells its citizens out.


That's exactly what the controlling right wants you to think. But there is definitely people that believe in Freedom, the left, and definitely people that believe on control and order, the right.

"The new breed of Republicans are both socially conservative and socially liberal "
They aren't socially liberal at all. They don't believe in people's right to do what the damn well please with their bodies. They don't believe in helping people when they are down. They don't believe in safety nets and don't believe that our taxes should be returned to us in forms of helping us. They only believe taxes should be used to control and to kill us.

"The thread that binds us is we hold personal freedoms dear,"
What total Horsemanure. The right hates freedom. They go around nationalistically waving flags and then turn around and support police killing people.

" they tend to be bootlickers to an authoritarian government and believes it and obeys it,"
Another thing about the right is they are bald faces liars and speak the opposite of the truth. The right are bootlickers of authoritarian government. They are sycophants to the rich. Fawning parasites of those that control us. They constantly ask "Why didn't george floyd comply with police?" yet turn around and howl about their "right" to infect other people around them. They don't believe in the freedom for people to be able to live in a world that won't give them a deadly disease any more than they believe in the freedom of people to walk down the street without the threat of being shot.


You are trying to force everything onto two dimensions, which is overly simplistic, but frequently used as that is all most people can wrap their mind around. It is actually multidimensional. Perhaps the most used multidimensional chart is the Nolan Chart, which breaks it into two dimensions, personal freedom (socially liberal to socially conservative) and economic freedom (authoritarian vs libertarian). It's not perfect, but it has a good mix of being more comprehensive than the typical and incoherent left/right dichotomy. Below is a link to an example of a Nolan Chart

The top left is authoritarian godless governments like the old Soviet Union or modern day North Korea. The top right is for authoritarian regimes with a strong moral code (e.g. Saudi Arabia, Iran). The bottom left (where I fall) is what the U.S. government was intended to be when it was formed. Research bears this out, most democrats fall in the top left hand of the graph, while most **modern** republicans inhabit the bottom right and the left of the graph. In short, the research suggests that modern day democrats are actually the bootlickers.


But the modern Left does not want to be free! They want to be told exactly how to think and how to behave, and they want to silence anyone who dares to dissent. Where does that leave your misguided hypothesis?


So why does the modern right not believe in every American's right to vote and have their vote counted?

Why does the modern right want to force everyone not to speak any other language than English?

Why does the modern right want to stop people from coming and going as they please?

Why does the modern right even ban teaching of other cultures around the world?

How the hell does the modern left NOT WANT TO BE FREE?! Even the word LIBERAL means One that befits a free man?! The left believes in live and let live. The right believes in "carpet bomb them all into McDonalds Parking Lots!"

"They want to be told exactly how to think and how to behave,"
No they don't. They want others to stop telling them how to think and behave and to BE. The right can't STAND people that want to think they are a different gender than they want to be. The right can't stand people that were born of another race than white. The right can't stand people that want to be of another religion than Christian. The right can't stand people that have other ethnicities. Even in Arizona the right has tried to ban the speaking of other languages other than English especially in educational institutions?! Yet we aren't ENGLISH so why are we forced to speak ENGLISH?!

Thanks to Right Wingers Desire to control even how we SPEAK
Arizona is the only state with an English-only education law.

Arizona's Ethnic Studies Ban In Public Schools Goes To Trial

Despite the fact that the Hmong supported the Americans in the Vietnam War a rightist Walmart shopper tells family speaking Hmong to speak English.

Diné worker fired for speaking Navajo

Armed Trump supporters protesting immigration demanded to know if a Native American legislator is in the United States "legally." TRUE

Schools are supposed to be places of LEARNING! So why in the hell can't other languages and cultures of the world be taught there?!!!

For More Than 100 Years, the Rightists in the U.S. Forced Navajo Students Into Western Schools. The Damage Is Still Felt Today

Rightist Karen tells NATIVE AMERICAN to "go back where you came from"

There are dozens and dozens of these instances of Right wingers telling us how to speak, how to think and how to be.

"and they want to silence anyone who dares to dissent. "
Are you friggin kidding me?! The police are out there with tear gas, truncheons, riot gear and rubber bullets stopping ANYONE who dissents against the illegal wars (antiwar protestors), the stranglehold that Wallstreet has on our society (Occupy Wallstreet) and dissenters (Black lives matter) of police brutalizing and killing Americans and the right roots them on!
You say "they want to silence" yet you SEE the right FORCEFULLY Silencing people. Learn the difference between "wanting" and actual DOING.


Wall of cut-and-paste text full of lies and distortions. Take your agit-prop bullshit elsewhere, you totalitarian communist.


Robot with attention denial disorder cannot read huh? Take your denial bullshit elsewhere, you totalitarian fascist. whynotwriteme: *derp* *facts* *can't compute*
Hint: Liberals oppose fascism as much as they oppose communism hence why liberals say "Free Tibet!" Like the communists Republicans believe in control and order and like communists they hate the environment. That's why Republicans support the military dictatorship of Burma


Ho-hum. More crazy-talk. Has mom come down to the basement with your afternoon meds yet?


Ok robot lemming. As if this isn't "crazy-talk"[sic] -->Take your agit-prop bullshit elsewhere, you totalitarian communist.

We are writing here. Not talking. This is WRITTEN language. Are you hearing voices?


Why waste time posting here? Why don't you go out and cancel someone, Che?


Cancel? Like you did to Liz Cheney. The right wing has always been the king of cancel culture. LOL Keep lying and spinning and I'll keep countering you.

The right wing has always been pro-'cancel culture'


You come across as rabid and raving. I would be willing to bet you took some kind of stimulant today.


Robot still at it? I wouldn't be surprised if you took something today.


My mistake. It must just be the manic phase of your neurosis.


Projecting perhaps?


No. Just observing.


Projecting. You seem experienced.


I'm afraid I am bored with you now.


Still at it robot? Robot got bored? Wondering how long your obsessive compulsive disorder requires you to keep responding.


"Liberalism & "Freedom" are mutually exclusive.
