Rightwingers say "Liberalism is a disease" because the desire to be free is just a mental illness.
They want you to believe your desire to be free, your desire for things to be better, your desire to do what you wish with your own body, eat clean food, drink clean water, breathe clean air, go where you want to go and live how you please is a mental illness.
This is how they justify destroying the environment and wiping out the EPA. This is how they justify poisoning you with GMOs and all kinds of chemicals and justify hiding it. This is how they justify poisoning your water and then turning around and making you pay them for clean water.
This is why they created the Patriot act and NSA to control and to spy on you. This is why they not only want strong borders but closed borders so you cannot escape or go to and from like we used to be able to.
Before Bush we could cross to Canada and Mexico and back without a passport. We would just tell the CBP what citizenship we had and they'd let us through. Sometimes we'd shout the state we were from and they couldn't stand that, although they were implants from some military compound in some other state and were just living in our state themselves.
This is why they want 5G and want everyone to have cell phones and smart TVs so they can spy on and control everything you do, everything you buy, every job you work at and every dollar you earn. Even the money and property you worked for and OWN is not your own. If you so much as transfer more than $10,000 conservatives can't STAND IT and the government has to be informed of it. If you're traveling with $4000 or more they confiscate it.
They claim BS claims like it is to curb "terrorism" and "drug trafficking" when they know damn well they are the ones committing the most terrorism, provoking it overseas and are the ones who are trafficking it. CIA Torture Jet wrecks with 4 Tons of COCAINE https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2007/12/12/420107/-
This is why conservatives hate the ACLU because they protect our freedoms like how they made it illegal for the TSA to stop people for just carrying cash.
ACLU Sues TSA For Airport Search Of Man Flying With $4,700
Ironically he was a FUNDRAISER for the Ron Paul campaign but when it came to foreign policy Ron Paul was very liberal and sensible and believed what our founding fathers believed that we shouldn't be starting wars of aggression in foreign lands.
ACLU Sues DHS Over Unlawful TSA Searches And Detention
They want you to be grateful slaves, happy to be content with the prison feudal system you are forced into at birth without any agreement.