MovieChat Forums > Anthony Fauci Discussion > Do they keep fear mongering to stay in t...

Do they keep fear mongering to stay in the spotlight and keep power.

As more people get covid vaccines and infections and deaths go down. I keep seeing more stories about a 4th wave and variants. Dementia Joe is demanding more lockdowns and continuing mask mandates. Does Fauci and Dementia Joe not understand people are done listening to them.


This whole thing was/is/and always will be BULLSHIT! The plandemic is about politics and control. Masks are not going to save you...

Lockdowns don’t work. Just ask liberal run states...

I say cough on a liberal and have a good laugh.


I live in Kansas and our governor is a Democrat. Thankfully the nearly all Republican state legislature has reigned her in on lockdowns and her emergency powers. The only thing that's still in place are the mask mandates. I know they don't do shit but it's likely only going to be in place through May.


What I resent is the idea of a “vaccine passport”. Why not just stamp a number on our arms? Also “a mandate” for vaccines in liberal states. Those alone should make you think!


Yes it's truly scary.


yea this experimental mcfranklinvaccines are scary as fuck no way in hell i am gonna be a Guinee pig for that shit


This is not "fear-mongering." These are measures designed to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The U.S. isn't the only country to have lockdowns; the entire world has had to put up with this.

It's amazing how self-centered so many people have become. The health and safety of the population is far more important than your "right" to go to Disney World or to some bar (this last one is the lamest complaint because liquor stores were always open). During WWII people put up with rationing, travel restrictions, curfews and "lights-out" ordinances for the protection of the nation. If today's entitled generation had been around during the 1940s we would have lost the war.

Anyone complaining about their "rights being infringed upon" needs to visit a hospital. Go talk to a COVID patient who is hooked up to a ventilator; ask them what they think about "freedoms" and "liberty" as they are gasping for breath.

There's a pandemic going on, so keep the stupid politics out of it.


The Dems foist their politics on everything. This was their way to gain more power. Nothing more.


Not sure what you're driving at here. These preventative measures have been implemented around the world. So is every country using this as a power grab?


Absolutely, in order to reach a globalist society.


Sounds like another conspiracy theory.


You bet it is. The 2nd gunman on the grassy knoll in Dallas used to be a conspiracy theory too.


You don't see the Dems worried about the thousands of illegal aliens infected with the China virus. Because the more of them that pour into the country, the more the Dems will have control. Amnesty is not far off. Control of Texas. Texas guarantees they will win the presidency for decades to come.
You think the Dems care about lives? Not a chance. They care about power.


"They care about power."

You just described every politician. Running for office is not about being elected to serve the people, it's all about themselves and the advancement of their careers, and kissing up to their big campaign donors. Both major parties are guilty of this because the two are more or less the same thing. Both parties are funded by, and pander to, the corporations, the wealthy and the paid professional lobbyists and other special interest groups. Elected officials do not represent the voters. The U.S. is a one-party oligarchy instead of a democracy. Here's an article you can read if you think I'm just making stuff up. It's from 2014 but is just as relevant today:

Get the money out of politics and the country will be a much better place. Term limits would help, too.

BTW - it's called COVID-19, not the "China virus."


It's the China virus. They let it loose on the world and lied about it and then covered it up repeatedly. If ever a country deserves a deadly virus named after them it is CHINA.


It's not the "China virus." Not according to the World Health Organization:


It is the China virus. The WHO is basically controlled by China.


The WHO is an organization of the United Nations. Do you have any proof of this conspiracy theory? I would be interested in reading about it if you could provide links.


You take the whole hook, line and sinker. Believe. Obey.

Bow down before the one you serve
You're going to get what you deserve


If you think I bow before anyone in this world, especially some oligarch, you are grossly mistaken.

I like Nine Inch Nails. Keep their music out of this.


Your previous post contradicts your claim.


I don't know what you mean or to which post you are referring. Because I believe in following guidelines to prevent the spread of a virus...? That's not "bowing down," it's common sense. Viruses infect people. That's a fact.


Like since the mask mandate was lifted in Texas, cases are dropping to all time lows? That fact? Everyone has their pet "facts". How do you know yours are actually true.


And how do you know yours are true? I guess we're both in the same boat. Nobody really knows.


He will say or do anything to remain in the spotlight. he is in love with fame


The worst thing Trump ever did was allow this idiot to keep his job. He should have been fired a year ago maybe then he would slink into a hole somewhere and stop being such a pointless asshat.


Yes. The death rate for people under 60 is lower than the flu. For people under 50 it’s almost entirely nonexistent. This was always about power and now that they’ve realized how much power fear mongering gives them they’re not going to just let it go.

This is what happens when you have the Democrat political party/lemmings who are intellectually bankrupt.
