Was that you in a certain Fish restaurant in Notting Hill?
I am pretty confident I (the chap in the dark hat) spotted you, while you were a fellow customer in a certain (excellent) Notting Hill Fish and chip restaurant, just two nights ago. Even though you weren't wearing much make-up I Just want to say you still looked so incredibly beautiful, and would love you to know, the reason I didn't appear even to look at you was because I not only have a wife whom I love very much but also because I very much respect the fact you're in a relationship too. Anyway, please don't think no one noticed you because if I were a single man it would have pained me not to have at least said "hello". You probably felt no one noticed you but the fact is I for one tried very hard to keep my eyes elsewhere while you too were awaiting. You are sooooooooooooo gorgeous :-)
Sandwiched between The Principle of Mediocrity & Rare Earth Theory, you should see The Fermi Paradox