his age!!

omg!!!! i fout i woz a cradle snatcher for finkin he woz fit... nw i feel so much better!!! he dusnt luk that old thou he looks bout 18


HE'S the cradle snatcher... in the new episode of skins, it appears he's gets quite friendly with effy.. who is definitally not of age.


How is he a cradle snatcher it's a character he's playing it's not like he's choosing to like her.


How about learning to spell.
I understand if you wanna use abbreviations.
But dont make it look like you are a retard.
fout, woz, finking, nw, dusnt, luk
Besides fout would be more similar to the word
fought as in the past tense of fight.
I especially like your use of exclamation marks.
Makes you look really hot.
Making a word one letter shorter aint usually worth it
and makes just your text two times slower to read.
Not that you care.


He does look about 18!!
He's so gorgeous!
And he has the same starsign as me!
Oh my lol!
I know your probs like 'So?' but it just makes me feel like we're more 'meant to be!' ;D LoL sorry. :P


oh just shut up nake89. why are u so bothered if ppl use abbreviations or not? it may make a person look retarded but let them, why is it killing u so much? this is the 21st century for god's sake so jus get a bloody life u sad person!


I agree with nake89, the English language is beautiful, lets not bastardise it into abbreviated gobbledygook please. If you can spell properly then please do so, it makes reading it a lot easier. The century in which we live does not give you an excuse to do as you please with our language.


Am most relieved that am not perving on an 18 year old and he is actually older than me.

mmmmm yummy



