MovieChat Forums > Zach McGowan Discussion > Is the 100 really that good?

Is the 100 really that good?

That he would leave Black Sails for that show? It looks rather childish and silly to me for a Grade A actor like Zach McGowan.

I want to see him act more, but I'm not sure I could stomach a teen show that has bad acting.


Joon: "you're out of your tree" Sam: "it's not my tree" 


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I only started watching it to see the actor (he plays Lincoln in The 100) who has been cast to play Shadow in American Gods and see if he was any good (he is). And I will admit that I'm a bit hooked now. You have to get through a bit of the first season and get over a few glaring plot holes but it does pick up pace and finds itself late season one/early season two. There is a bit of teen drama, but overall I wouldn't actually pigeon hole it into that category. I think it's a lot more than that and aside from a plot line that I find really out of character season three is better than the two previous ones.
Roan doesn't show up until the beginning of season three and is only around a few episodes but it seems he may be important and I'm very intrigued by what capacity he will influence the core group of characters.

In short, it's not "just a teen drama" it does have a bit of that type of romance, but it's easy to move beyond it. Not my favourite show of all time, but one I'll watch the full run of.


I only started watching it to see the actor (he plays Lincoln in The 100) who has been cast to play Shadow in American Gods and see if he was any good (he is). And I will admit that I'm a bit hooked now. You have to get through a bit of the first season and get over a few glaring plot holes but it does pick up pace and finds itself late season one/early season two. There is a bit of teen drama, but overall I wouldn't actually pigeon hole it into that category. I think it's a lot more than that and aside from a plot line that I find really out of character season three is better than the two previous ones.
Roan doesn't show up until the beginning of season three and is only around a few episodes but it seems he may be important and I'm very intrigued by what capacity he will influence the core group of characters.

In short, it's not "just a teen drama" it does have a bit of that type of romance, but it's easy to move beyond it. Not my favourite show of all time, but one I'll watch the full run of.


I mean, the show is very YA, but it's mostly a really interesting story. And Season 3--where Zach's character shows up--gets really cool lore wise.

So it may be worth it to give it a shot?


It's a very good series but as the other poster mentioned, you'll have to get through the first few episodes - they seem to have been produced with a typical CW audience in mind. One of the best things about it is that it's not afraid of being bloody and brutal, a rare thing on a network show. They've had episodes that approached GOT, Black Sails or Banshee in terms of really dark story telling. And the characters actually evolve over time. Not always the way you expect them. Another rarity for a network.


Hahahaha nothing about the 100 is childish at all. The first two episodes of the first season were shaky and very much in the vein of "CW". But after that it's just gotten better and better and is at times, as intense and heartbreaking and brutal as GoT or TWD. The acting on the show is pretty fantastic too, not sure where you got the "bad acting" part from when you haven't ever watched the show. All of the actors on it are fantastic and give great, nuanced performances.


