she IS GOOD!

Leave her the hell alone! god, shes not perfect but no one on the show has half of the potential/charisma she has. she is monotone, but thats her character! she is seriously funny.


She is the only character I even like on that show. She's the youngest on the show but she seems to be the only character with any intelligence or common sense.


agree, lol.


All of the positive things you all are saying are about her character, though. Any actress in that role would be funny and seem to have intelligence and common sense because that is how the writers created her to appear. What can anyone say about her acting skills? I honestly can't see any talent there.


I don't know anything about her character or her acting, but come on, she is so freaking hot!


I agree. I mean, honestly, if the producer's didn't like the way she acts, they would have sent her butt out the door. They wouldn't have cast her in the first place. Hollywood producers and directors are hardcore, especially when you have millions of critics and dollars on the line. She has talent. And dearly, she's only had one role before the role of Ashley in this show! I think she's got what it takes.

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