What a POA
shareWhich one is it? Enlighten me please ;) Piece of ass??
POA Price On Application
POA Parallels Operations Automation
POA Property Owners Association
POA Power Of Attorney
POA Present On Admission (medical diagnosis reporting)
POA Pony of the Americas (Pony of the Americas Club)
POA Prisoner of Azkaban
POA Plan Of Action
POA Police Officers Association
POA Plan Operativo Anual
PoA Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Book by J. K. Rowling)
POA Prison Officers' Association (UK)
POA Point of Aim
POA Preoptic Area
POA Pledge of Allegiance
POA Pride of America (camp and Norwegian Cruise Line cruise ship)
POA Provincial Offences Act (Canada)
POA Point of Attachment
POA Piece of Ass
PoA Points of Authority
POA Piece of Art
POA Proof of Address
POA Points of Agreement
POA Plan of Attack
POA Program of Activities (various organizations)
POA Post Office Agent
POA Peace Officers Association
POA Principles of Accounting
POA Pakistan Olympic Association
POA Proof of Age
POA Point Of Access
POA Point of Arrival
POA Pacific Ocean Area
POA Portable Object Adaptor (CORBA)
POA Philharmonic Orchestra of the Americas (New York, NY)
POA Partnership of the Americas (US DoD USSOUTHCOM)
POA Protection of Assets
POA Pay Option Arm (loan)
POA Port of Anchorage
POA Place of Articulation
POA Partial Order Alignment
POA Purchase Order Acknowledgement
POA Probability of Area
PoA Period of Availability
POA Palmitoleic Acid (fatty acid)
POA Puppeteers Of America (Cincinnati, OH)
POA People of Asia
POA Ponies of America (horse breed)
POA Period of Adjustment
POA Profession of Arms
POA Production Organization Approval
POA Paid on Account (financial transactions)
POA Protuobavjetajna Agencija (Counter Intelligence Agency, Croatia)
POA Porto Alegre, Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil - Salgado Filho (Airport Code)
POA Psychiatry of Old Age
POA Paid on Arrival
POA Path of Ascension (gaming group)
POA Plane of Array (measurements perpendicular to the solar receiver)
POA Position of Attention
POA Prowler Owners Association (Plymouth car)
POA Payload Oru (Orbital Replacement Unit) Accommodation
POA Principle of Accounts (tuition)
POA Phase of Arrival
POA Pride of Arizona (University of Arizona marching band)
POA Para Osteo Arthropathy
POA Pay on Arrival
POA Persistent Object Adapter
POA Privately Owned Animal
POA Point of Analysis
POA Premature Ovarian Aging
POA Point of Acquisition
POA Pets on Approval (housing)
POA Part Of Assembly
POA Procrastinators of America
POA Punch on Australia (online gaming)
POA Purchase Order Authorization
POA Pattern Oriented Approach
POA Pattern Of Analysis
POA Pacific Ocean Alaska (CoE District)
PoA Probability of Adequacy (insurance industry)
POA Project Opportunity Assessment
POA Pilliar of Autum (gaming)
POA Priced on Agreement
POA Protectors of America
POA Project of Activities
POA Piano Operativo Aziendale (Italian: Operational Business Plan)
POA Position Organizational Address (US DoD)
POA PeriOperative Assistant
POA Peninsula Orthopaedic Associates (Maryland)
POA Peak Oil Aware (energy crisis)
POA Pad on Active (circuit technology)
POA Projection of Aggression (band)
POA Paladins of Alsangarnia (gaming clan)
POA Period of Amenorrhoea (biology)
POA Planet of the Abts (band)
POA Program for Older Adults (various organizations)
POA Physician Office Administrator (various organizations)
POA Profit on Ordinary Activities
POA Priester Ohne Amt (German: Priests without an Office)
Yes it's that's one..