You're the one promoting racism by wanting to hire only white people. James Bond's race is irrelevant, therefore any race or ethnicity can play the character.
"Africans were resident in Scotland. In the early 16th century they were high-status members of the royal retinue. This is clearly recorded at the court of James IV (1473–1513). One African, ‘Petir the Moryen’ (Peter the ‘Moor’) seemed to have had a special relationship with the king – he was free to travel and was given five French crowns at the king’s request for a journey to France."
You hate America since you refuse to know its history.
It started off as Black History Week in February because of Lincoln and Frederick Douglass' birthdays (12 & 14) who were already celebrated in the Black community. The week was later extended. Carter G. Woodson created and promoted it during the 1920s.
If Daniel Craig couldn't destroy the franchise then nothing could...
Anyway, I don't think Bond necessarily has to be white - I mean, if you've (not YOU personally) supported Daniel Craig's "Bond" then you've supported Barbara Broccoli et al killing the character off. Therefore we are now looking at a rebooted Bond and therefore a blank canvas.
Bond can now be whatever they want him to be and that's thanks to Daniel Craig's destruction* of the original cinematic Bond franchise...
Reminder that this is a major issue with Hollywood i.e. how much they sideline black supporting actors in films i.e. John Boyega in 'The Force Awakens' was made a mockery of, Jeffrey Wright was wasted as Felix with his performance in CR being so short and then them forgetting about him until NTTD where we were supposed to care for him and Bond having a bond... Doctor Who NEVER had a black companion until 2005 - 2007. NEVER had the Doctor had an Asian companion unless you count the 80 min 90's TV film.
Instead what do they do? They CHANGE the race of the main character and call everyone racist if they do not respect their decision... DESPITE so many times in other supporting roles where they could have had a serious Black character rise to the top as a respectable hero they rather butcher them.
Same with Doctor Who. You want a really solid black companion? Nope screw that we will change the race of him and make people angry instead of PROPERLY doing it for the show's lore.
inb4 someone calls me a name - Danny Glover is one of my fav actors in I prefer Predator 2 over the first for how fun and nostalgic it is for me.
When you talk about human race and Doctor Who you lose me. He's an alien. One who was made to regenerate because the original actor couldn't play him anymore. Not human. Not bound by silly human race constraints.
I do agree with you that it would be preferable for great original characters to have new stories. I think that race or gender swapping characters is lazy and we deserve more originality.
inb4 someone calls me a name - Danny Glover is one of my fav actors in I prefer Predator 2 over the first for how fun and nostalgic it is for me.
Don't do this.
Look, at the end of the day EVERYONE can share their opinion without kowtowing to some Liberal litmus test of "racism".
I don't even bother saying "B-b-but my favorite character is [insert race here]" because it's ridiculous. The point is clear that what they're doing is race-swapping to get rid of white male leads in most mainstream properties.
Pointing this out and making it clear that it's wrong doesn't need caveats and silver linings to avoid the flagrant misuse of "racist!" by the typical Lefties.
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"They CHANGE the race of the main character and call everyone racist if they do not respect their decision... DESPITE so many times in other supporting roles where they could have had a serious Black character rise to the top as a respectable hero they rather butcher them."
Exactly this. If you're going to race swap a popular white character with a black actor you are, in effect, saying, "Hey, original black characters aren't interesting enough, so it looks like us white people are going have to step in and help them out because they can't do it on their own."
I would think that POC would get pissed and demand that Hollywood start creating original and engaging non-white characters rather than looking for a handout.
I have no desire to see Idris Elba as James Bond simply because he's black. The man's got charisma to spare though... I'd definitely watch him as another character in the Bond-verse. Introduce him as a supporting character in the next Bond iteration then spin him off into his own movies.
You'll have to clarify what you mean by that, i.e. who's the "new Bond" you are referring to?
Do you mean the old one, i.e. Craig? Because if so, I didn't whine about him here - I pointed out that they killed him off and therefore the next Bond will be a reboot and therefore there is no logically sound reason to cry about him not being white if that comes to pass...
No reason to complain about the color of his skin.
There is every reason because he is white. Born to a Scottish father and a Swiss mother. Don't know how much simpler to put it. You make him black and he isn't bond he is another character.
Also he would have to be insane to take the role. You race swap bond and you will see the biggest flop in movie history to the point that it would never happen again.
If race is not important then I want to see black characters changed to asian. They are more underepresented in Western Cinema than black people. But I guess like the hypocrite you are that in this case skin colour suddenly becomes important. Wierd how that happens.
Simple question. Is a fictional characters skin colour important or not. Can't have it both ways. Pick one.
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Black population during 1940's Scotland wasd about 0.7%. So yes he would have been white or are you suggesting there were no white people in Africa when Black Panther was created. Well we know that wasn't the case don't we.
But that is all irrelevant as Ian Fleming created him to be white as described above and you can go look it up yourself. The amount of black people in a country is again irrelevant.
Black population during 1940's Scotland wasd about 0.7%.
Woah! Hang on a minute - this is amazing! This surpassed even the well trodden Black Panther excuse...
You're genuinely claiming that a rebooted Bond film, set in the 2020s should feature an 80 something years old James Bond because being born in the 1940s he DEFINITELY would have been white? 😂
That is absolutely brilliant! This takes 1st prize at the non diverse casting argument awards...
... But I'll play - Who's playing your 80 something white Bond? Michael Caine? Anthony Hopkins? 😂😂
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The stats were because he said there would have been black people in Scotland. The current stats in 2020 are even less for African as it is 0.5%. Scotland is a 96% white country.
Who said he had to be 80. Daniel Craig wasn't 80. Infact none of them were even though they were all based on the same character created by Ian Fleming during the 50's.
You can make any one sided arguement as you want. The fact of the matter is Bond is white and Black Panther is black. That is how it should stay.
Europe is not America. Black people in Europe is about 10 million out of 770 milllion population.
Oh, I'm sorry - perhaps I misunderstood you. I thought you'd pointed out 1940s stats because you were claiming them to be relevant to the discussion of a character in a REBOOTED series set in the 2020s. Was that not the case? If you're not advocating an 80 something years old Bond then I don't really understand...
I'm not too sure why you're talking about Ian Fleming here either? Daniel Craig's "Bond" died in the previous film, this will be a reboot. There is no requirement to follow whatever race the character was previously...
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Original point so I showed the stats from then and now.
I'm not too sure why you're talking about Ian Fleming here either? Daniel Craig's "Bond" died in the previous film, this will be a reboot
Unless another author person has written a bond story then it will be based on Ian Flemings Bond like all of them that have been and ever will be. There is only one Bond. You really hate this fact for some reason. You change that and it isn't Bond.
There is no requirement to follow whatever race the character was previously...
Apart from the fact he is white. Written white, created white from real white poeple, family is white, comes from a white background to white parents in white countries. No, no requirement at all *sigh*
Ok then. Original comic book Blade was born In London Soho. His skin colour is irrelevant, no reason why it cannot be white. But let me guess you will argue the point that it is.
Either skin colour is important to the character or it isn't. You can't have it both ways unless you are a hypocrite like yourself who will defend a black character can never be changed but a white character is free reign. That is called hypocrisy.
Remember they are only fictional. What is to stop a future Black Panther having the asteroid land in South Africa then he can be white. If everything about Bonds back story can be changed to fit your one sided racist narrative then so can that. Again fictional remember.
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Love how you wrote that then immediately quoted a reply from another poster! Priceless stuff again 😂
Again I'm not interested in stupid deflective comments about Black Panther or Blade. They're utterly irrelevant to a discussion re the requirement of a rebooted James Bond to definitively be white in the 2020s.
Can you give me an example from any previous Bond film - not the books - when his race played a key part in his characterisation? Or even when his backstory/ parentage was even brought up to any degree?
(I think this would perhaps help your argument look slightly less racist)
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Seemed apt as you misunderstood so I pointed it out for you.
Again I'm not interested in stupid deflective comment like Black Panther or Blade. They're utterly irrelevant to a discussion re the requirement of a rebooted James Bond to definitively be white in the 2020s.
But they are not irrelevant are they. You do realise because you say something doesn't make it true. Again they are both fictional, they are both based on the original works just like Bond but you will defend it to the hilt while saying being white isn't important. You are a hypocrite plain and simple. You won't engage in the discussion because you can't as it will destroy your whole narrative.
Can you give me an example from any previous Bond film - not the books - when his race played a key part in his characterisation? Or even when his backstory/ parentage was even brought up to any degree?
I like the way you say not the books to immediateky rule out his own creation. So no I won't ignore the books because that is who he is. Shall we ignore all the comics for Black Panther and Blade, why not. Your arguements are flawed but you will hang on to them as long as possible.
Why is it important for Balde to be black or Shaft. Shaft is just a cop. His skin colour is irrelevant but I wouldn't want taht changing either.
By your very own definition any fictional character can be made into anything you want unless they are black then you can't. That is the rules you will hide behind because you are a hypocrite.
Bond is white. Get over it. You make him black then you have to change everything about him just like trying to make Black Panther white, it would be stupid.
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I asked you to exclude the books quite deliberately as I believe you aren't a complete idiot so knew that you would know them to be irrelevant to the character's skin colour in a rebooted FILM series.
And why do you keep going on about Blade and Black Panther? I didn't mention them and couldn't give a flying f-ck about either of these yet for some reason it seems key to your argument of why a rebooted Bond should be white! Wtf 🤷
But please do give me one example in, what 25+ films when James Bond's white background was discussed or relevant to the story?
I'm sure you'll have many examples given its importance... 😉
I asked you to exclude the books quite deliberately
And I deliberately ignored it as you arguement is flawed. You are trying to state that without the books then Bond skin colour is irrelevanrt and that is about as whataboutism as it comes because without the books we don't have Bond and so they are important and cannot be ignored. The same is said for comic books, they cannot be ignored because without them no movies exist. You are trying to create rules to fit your hypocritical narrative.
But please do give me one example in, what 25+ films when Jame s Bond's white background was discussed or relevant to the story?
Why does it have to be discussed to be relevant. They never once mention Blades skin colour in the movies or comic books but based on you that is relevant. But just to amuse you. They literally show his parents graves and his ancestral home where he came from, you know Scotland. He is white, get over it. It doesn't need to be mentioned or explained. He just is, just like other ficitonal characters are black, they just are. That is the way they were written and created and that is the way they should stay. Once again to make him black you then have to literally change his entire back story and so is no longer Bond anymore. He becomes a completely new character. If that is what you want then fine but why does Bond need to be race swapped. Why can't he be white, what is wrong with him being white.
I'm sure you'll have many examples given its importance.
Condescending much. I don't have to give one example of anything you have asked. I will just continue to point to the authors creation that you cannot change no matter your agenda or hypiocrisy. I could say the same thing for Blade. Show me examples where his skin cololur matters, it doesn't but I wouldn't want him changed either.
It is funny when you watch a show that is 100% white and people say it isn't diverse enough but a show that is 100% black is fine. The same can be said here. You are aking rules to fit your hypocricy.
I am saying either skin colour is important or it isn't. You cannot say this is fine but this isn;t just to fit your narrative. Pick one. Which is it to be. Is skin colour important or not, you can't have it both ways.
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What's funny here is that you clearly don't even know the background to the "authors creation" which you seem to think is giving you a free pass re the "non relevancy" of the films but is in fact just making you look like a complete moron.
We're done here. Thanks for playing but your replies show everything about where you're coming from 👍.
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Not an untypical reply and wholly expected to be honest.
I gave you your answer which is the authors creation. Who he was created and insipred from. His country of origin. His parents. His heritage and lineage. All of these point to his skin colour. You just choose to ignore them and ignore them you have. Why? Due to you being a hypocrite. I don't answer one sided questions that will only lead to the same narrative going around and around.
You have also ignored everything I wrote once again because you are a hypocrite, I have to keep repeating this because you are. I even said I could say the same thing about Blade but it is pointless as that is how he was created and the same is said for Bond. I wouldn't want anyone changed but you do. Why is that?
You basically will say that white to black is fine as skin colour is unimportant because white people are just white people. But black to white can't happen because skin colour is important. Like I have repeatedly said, you are a hypocrite.
If you don't want to answer that is fine (but I believe you will). You don't like bering wrong.
I posed a simple question. Is skin colour important or is it not. Which is it to be.
Ignore the books. Yeh not gonna happen. The books created the character, without the books he doesn't exist.
James Bond was inspired by white people and created to be white, written as a white person and is white. You don't like this for some reason. I wonder why that is.
No. It is you who is the hypocrite - I have pointed out to you on multiple occasions that we are discussing a REBOOT to a film series of over 25 films thus far.
I have asked you to provide just one example from ANY of these films as to where his background was discussed or his skin colour relevant to the character of James Bond. You cannot provide even ONE because no such example actually exists in the film series, as I suspect you are well aware...
Therefore you are reduced to discussing the original books - which even excluding skin colour vary wildly from the subsequent film series - and throwing up stats on the population of Scotland in the 1940s 😂.
You are simply being intellectually dishonest because you know you have absolutely nothing - not one thing! - from the films to back up your claim as to the importance of the character's skin colour.
In a way I feel quite sorry for you because despite your claims of the importance of his skin colour, you have shown yourself to be something of a fraud and are forced to continuously cycle back to Fleming's original novels and cannot draw anything from decades of films, which is what we are discussing the continuation of here. This is where your "honest guv'nor, I'm not a racist" line is blown apart. You cannot cite one example of why it's important he's white on screen...
I'm sure you'll feel compelled to reply to even this but unless you can provide any example from ANY of the films to give any weight to your argument I'm done.
I will do exactly what you have been doing and ignore eveything you wrote and only look at one part.
No. It is you who is the hypocrite
Quote me. Where have I said that changing skin colour is fine for one side but not for the other. I have repeatedly said from the very begining it is stupid on all sides. So Please quote me on this matter.
You keep only repeating about the films and ignore the books. Why? I know why because the orignal book explicitly describes him, that is why you want them ignored. I won't because without the books the movies and character doesn't exist and makes your point irrelevant.
you are simply being intellectually dishonest
No I am not. How? I have asked repeatedly is skin colour important or not. You cannot pick and choose. It either is or it isn't. WHich is it to be. Very simple. It isn't a loaded question like yours and isn't one sided. Is it important or not. Choose.
I'm sure you'll feel compelled to reply to even this
Wow really. What you gonna say next. "Your dad is bigger than mine or something. Wow, just wow. You have literally resorted to just repeating my words. The sign of someone who has ran out of anything to discuss. Actaully I won't reply so have at it.
I'll leave it here. If someone like yourself says that a black character cannot be race swapped but a white character can then you are a hypocrite or racist, can't decide which.
What are you talking about Sparky? What precisely have I said that is dishonest here?
I attempted to get another user to qualify HIS reasoning based upon the facts of what was presented in the films, and that was not forthcoming, so I gave up...
The many people he met during his time in Naval Intelligence during the 2nd World War also helped mold what he looks and acts like. Again wouldn't of been black
Mf, if his whiteness isn't made explicit, then it's all conjecture.
And if black panther was set in another country he wouldnt be black. BUt it was and so he is black just like Bond is white. Do you hear yourself. "if his whiteness isn't made explicit". But is was and always has. Bond is white. He was described, created and inspired by white people from white countries. Get over it.
His whiteness? Would you talk to a black guy and say his blackness. No you wouldn't.
Its ok you get upset when a characters race isn't essential gets portrayed different than what you are used to. You proved this by being upset about Zoe Kravitz as Catwoman. Despite the fact that Eartha Kitt portrayed her and she wasn't white in the year one comic. Your brain melts when I say this.
Good thing people like you don't get your way. We will get a sequel to the Batman abd nothing you can do to change it.
James Bond is possibly the most overtly heterosexual male character ever & unfortunately I think this guy is just too flaming to ever make it work. Hardy is a solid actor but he's on the shorter side & a bit old. He'll be pushing 50 by the time the franchise reboot gets released
Yeah but it's going to be a reboot and these are changed times. Everyone's bi-sexual these days so you need a spy who's prepared to play for Manchester United AND Manchester City so to speak...
Even the god awful Skyfall was hinting that Bond was more than capable of a bit of LGBTQ+ action so I think it's quite possible that this is the kind of Bond that the public now demands.
I applaud you for being among those of us who didn't buy into the inexplicable hype of Skyfall (God awful movie indeed). That said I kind of have to disagree with you on the other point. If they want to make a spin off series about a bi-sexual spy then go ahead but Bond was simply never that by any stretch. One gay, narcissistic hack screenwriter (John Logan) felt compelled to crowbar a throwaway line of ambiguous dialogue in a terrible Bond movie in a lame attempt to plant the seeds of speculation that could eventually redefine Bond as gay & it was a total failure. It's not going to happen.
Well we did have Mr Wint and Mr Kidd try to bang Bond and that was back in the early 70s!
I applaud you straight back on also noting perhaps the slightly more important matter of recognising Skyfall in being an absolute disgrace of a Bond film. It served as the final straw for me as far as Craig was concerned.
Daniel Craig is a solid actor but from the start i felt he was completely wrong for the part & he never grew on me. His look was all wrong & I didn't care for his take on Bond as a brooding thug with little charisma. All of the stars seemed perfectly aligned for Clive Owen to take over the role for Casino Royale (who would have been absolutely amazing IMO) but instead we got the bizarre curveball of Daniel Craig who selfishly clung to the role for 15 years, ensuring Clive Owen would be too old to ever get the part.
Part of the reason why I especially hate Skyfall is that after the Quantum of Solace Daniel Craig bluffed that he'd rather "slit his wrists" than do another Bond which gave me hope that Clive Owen could take over but nope, Craig got his payday and signed on for more movies & the hype machine surrounding Skyfall made it such a commercial success (despite being a giant turd) that it kept Craig around for another decade of mediocrity. But i degress
Yeah, I agree that Clive Owen looked the part and could have made a great Bond - especially as a continuation on from Brosnan.
Having said that tbh I don't recall really knowing too much about him until seeing Children of Men - which was when there seemed to be a bit of a campaign for him to be Bond - but I guess Craig was already in the role by that point...
Clive Owen made a movie called King Arthur. It's a really good interpretation without the supernatural aspects. When it appeared Clive was going to be named the new James Bond, the producer held up the release to coincide with the announcement counting on the publicity to drive ticket sales. When he didn't get the role, film was released a year after the major advertising had already been done and it bombed at the box office.
Owen was the destined to play Bond but Wokeness needed a "different" post modern Bond ugly as fu€Κ a T-800 like assassin with no charm cold and bland.Craig was a horrible choice
Fassbender was a better choice and of course Owen.Barbara Broccoli destroyed Bond for all the true fans just like Kathleen Kennedy destroyed Star Wars Han Solo Luke Skywalker and Leia...