Real Steel?

I just watched Real Steal and personally I didn't think he was as good as lots of you are harping on about. Alright, he was reasonable in some parts but majorly I thought it was pretty bad on his part and that really bugged me throughout.

I know, I know he's only a kid but still I really couldn't see the star quality.

Maybe it was the writing, admittedly I haven't seen any of his other work but overall he came across as annoyingly cocky, immensely exaggerated and generally didn't understand his character- and this is coming from someone who is grossly gullible and gets totally immersed in a film.

I don't know, I just wanted to see if anyone out there agreed, or perhaps wants to try and prove me wrong.


First of all, it's your opinion. So to try and prove you wrong would be futile. What I can do is provide an opposing viewpoint.

I can say that this film seemed to fairly confined by its subject matter to begin with. It had a lot of potential to be a real flop. The idea of giant robots duking it out in a ring seems a bit cheesy and the "irresponsible dad attempts redemption with son" plot is nothing new. However it ended up that the film's production budget was $110M but its worldwide take was $271.6M and has had $23.1M in domestic DVD sales (

The numbers in and of themselves don't mean everything, but they are indicative of something. A film has to have some element that gets the audience to the theater and keeps them engaged. My argument is that it was Hugh Jackman's name that got the people in the seats and Dakota Goyo's turn as Max Kenton, in some large part, that kept them there. Could someone else have filled the role as well? I'm sure there's a few that could have, but I don't think there are very many. And as far as him seeming annoying and cocky, this was definitely part of the character. Imagine if your mom just died and your dad you hadn't seen in forever just shows up and starts dragging you around the country. You probably wouldn't be in a great mood about the whole situation or have a stellar attitude toward your dead-beat dad. Regarding Dakota himself, if you watch any number of his interviews you can tell he is a genuinely nice, down to earth kid and not much like Max Kenton at all. Reference his interview with Manny The Movie Guy as a prime example:

I personally don't see that he was exaggerated in the film and I'm not sure how you can contend that he didn't understand his character. Is this film an adaptation? If so, you may have a point when comparing to the original character.

If for whatever reason, you didn't like Dakota's character or role I can see why it would ruin the movie for you because he's the linchpin that holds the film together. I just happen to disagree. I think that he did a pretty damn good job in that role.

Haley's Comet
"All I know is the child is my warrant, and if he is not the word of God, then God never spoke."


I agree OP he completely ruined Real Steel for me, his acting was just awful and he has one of those faces i just can't stand for some reason so that did not help either. I am gutted he is going to be in Dark Skies because i am actually looking forward to that film but i just know that i wont enjoy it nearly as much knowing this kid is in it.
