MovieChat Forums > Darren Criss Discussion > What new article is Darren in?

What new article is Darren in?

Hello all,

I remember seeing sometime on Monday that Darren was featured in an article of some popular magazine and for the life of me, I can't remember what it was. Does anyone happen to know what it is? I'd like to be able to buy it in the store while it's still current...

Thanks in advance!

Ed :)


There is a 3 page article about him in the current (October) In Style magazine (with Katy Perry with pink hair on the cover). The article is called "Man of Style" and has some great pictures too!

I also read that he was listed in the November issue of Glamour as one of "50 Sexiest Men", but when I looked at the magazine, I didn't see that article.


He is on the cover of the november issue of GT (gay time) and it's out right now.
