she's beautiful

i think she's beautiful. i never knew she was so huge but who cares, she's really naturally gorgeous! she's what i'd call a ssbbw-super sized big beautiful woman! she also reminds me a whole lot of melissa mccarthy.


I agree she is stunning


Chrissy is very gorgeous, a wonderful actress; and also a talented singer! I'm happy for her newfound attention, she deserves all the success she's getting now.


well whatever rocks your boat, i personally think she is extremely unattractive, i mean she makes melissa mccarthy look skinny. the sad thing is that if she weren't so fat, she would probably look pretty.


Beauty isn't just how skinny you are!! She is extremely beautiful. Skinny people can be ugly and beautiful too but it has nothing to with their waist size!! I personally know a lot of people who are size 4 and look extremely pretty but have ugly hearts!!


Obesity is not attractive, the same way anorexia isn't attractive either. She isn't just "big" or "overweight" she is beyond morbidly obese. Now if you look at her face really carefully you can tell her face isn't ugly, but what does that matter when as a whole she looks like that. It does have alot to do with waist size, when it is so extreme, now sure someone with a perfect body can have an ugly face as well, but come on apart from the fact that it's not healthy, the MAJORITY, of people wouldn't find her body attractive.
Now she may be a very nice person but CURRENTLY she isn't attractive.




I'm going to have to weigh in here, no pun intended.
We messed up in our society by making women who are a normal weight or 10-15lbs overweight feel fat. We shouldn't have done that.
Women and men and children who are obese and morbidly obese like McCarthy,Precious and Chrissy,Kevin from King of Queens, etc. not good HEALTH role models and they are on a visual media. Obesity costs us vastly more than smoking, but it's rude to comment. Also, it shows a serious lack of self control to eat your way into heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and our health care system will
Probably never recover. The food to maintain one Lena Dunham would feed 3 African children with malnutrition.
Also, obese people move less and some jobs involve movement, so not the best picture of success.
I want to emphasize I'm not talking about people who are healthy and fall into the BMI overweight category by some lbs. I'm talking about BMI of 28 and up. Chrissy probably has a BMI of 40-45. Normal is below 25, but not less than 19.5 and race plays a factor.


This. There's a difference between being chubby and feeling comfortable in your skin, and being morbidly obese and acting like it's okay: it's not.
