Posh boys can't act

-even though Hollywood wants me to believe it. Horrible overacting, and wanking off Scorsese doesn't make you a more relatable person. He should do more adverts and less big boy contracts for complex stories. Writers work damn hard on their scripts, if he knew what hard work was he might not butcher every *beep* one.


And he is Jewish !!!


You got that right. He irritates me beyond belief. Every film I've seen with him in it is on the verge of being unwatchable just because??? You guessed it... Everything about this guy. I just find him to be an annoyance with his extreme jealousy, a buzz kill whining at everything that doesn't work in his favor and a d-bag for being a detriment to the part he plays on otherwise well written scripts. Just pure hate is what I feel every time I see his face and hear that horrible accent, that I swore was fake until IMDb cleared up his origin. 99% of English people pronounce words the same way every time, this guy sounds like a bad high school theater kid attempting the accent. Just hurry up and do something to ruin your reputation so your only limited to 5 mins top screen time as a clerk at a gas station.


You nailed it. He's a posh public school boy. Once of those kids you can tell who grew up with a silver spoon in their mouth. And that punchable posh boy face of his? Ugh!


What is wrong with being posh or growing up rich ?? He seems like a very honorable guy that has never been in trouble with the law.
Why are you jealous of him because he grew up wealthy.

He is a good Jewish boy and great actor.


You are a horrible person.

If you know anything about Andrew, he's NOT rich, or wasn't as a young boy. His dad is a swim coach and is from a middle class family. DOLT

His best actor Tony nomination for his work in Death of a Salesman on Broadway, along side Philip S. Hoffman, is just ONE of his accolades. DOLT

Scorsese interviewed a ton and picked him, so did Mel because he IS a great actor.

"Guys like you don't die on toilets." Mel Gibson-Riggs, Lethal Weapon


"Jealous". Nice assumption there but no I'm not jealous. He just annoys me.


What is wrong with being posh or growing up rich?

Absolutely nothing. But in terms of portraying something on screen, it's a distraction that can't - in my mind - be hidden from view. It's strange how directors, casting agents and a huge fanbase seem so impervious to something so glaringly out-of-place to others.
