MovieChat Forums > Andrew Garfield Discussion > Andrew is singing in an anti-Trump video...

Andrew is singing in an anti-Trump video with Matthew McConaughey

Were you fooled by Andrew? If you were fooled into thinking Bradley Cooper was a decent person because played conservative hero Chris Kyle, think again. Andrew is singing in an anti-Trump video with other "stars" like Matthew McConaughey and Chris Pine.

Andrew Garfield starred in Hacksaw Ridge last year, a story about a real American hero. Don't be fooled into thinking he is a military supporting, God fearing, freedom loving patriot by the roles he plays. Bradley Cooper played sniper and conservative American hero Chris Kyle in American Sniper, fans who made it the top grossing movie of 2014 were disappointed to know Bradley is just another Hillary supporting typical Hollywood liberal who was richly rewarded for the putting out 100's of millions of your combined hard earned money, not only was he rewarded but he used those rewards and his fame to support Obama (twice) and Hillary, a nice slap in your face. Matthew McConaughey has a new movie (Gold) coming out 1 week after Trump's inauguration, do you really want to reward these anti-Trump Hollywood liberals with your hard earned money after they thought it a good idea to show how little they care about your voice? Not only that, they do this after Trump was elected with 30 states and 2 weeks before his movie comes out, these are people who thinks he can get away with anything.

Think about voting with your money, vote NO and they will start to care, but that would depend on if you are principled or not. You can always reward them with your hard earned dollars making them even more wealthy and more famous only to use their wealth and fame against you and against the better interest of the country.


They are pathetic. Nothing but whining because they lost an election. Did you see James woods and other conservative actors singing songs and whining when Barry was elected in 2008? Just move on, you're still gonna make mediocre movies and make millions, only now you'll pay a lower tax rate and your taxes won't go to boondoggle train systems that nobody wants except the politicians and their spouses's "development" companies who are getting 9-figure no-bid contracts


What's pathetic is calling YOUR OWN DAUGHTER a Piece of a$$, trump did:

Stern..(regarding Ivanka) "Can I say piece of a$$?"
Trump the perv. "YEAH" ewwwwwwww,

Walks in on teens/women at padgents to see them naked, mocks disabled people and everyone else, is a bully, doesn't pay his workers then says "sue me" and knows they can't. He is the WORST person on the planet. They have a right to despise that pig.

Those defending him have issues they need resolved.

"Guys like you don't die on toilets." Mel Gibson-Riggs, Lethal Weapon


Yep that's just as bad as sexually assaulting women, paying them to keep quiet and quite possibly fathering a child with a prostitute, all while your wife tries to destroy the lives of the victims. Yep, your side was squeaky clean and the Clinton defenders also need a good head examination


People lie on both sides, but Trump is on tape saying he grabs women's pu$$ies, and they let him because of who he is. SO it validates the women saying it happened. There is no denying it.

He said his daughter was a piece of a$$, and he'd marry her if he wasn't her father. "Look at my daughter she is 6' tall and a great figure" OMG, who talks about their own daughter like that. Plus, there is so much more this pig said about her.

He's a bully, perverted, and nasty.

"Guys like you don't die on toilets." Mel Gibson-Riggs, Lethal Weapon


Nice straw man there. Trump SPECIFICALLY said when you're a celebrity, women LET YOU grab them. I'm not saying that bragging about that is right, frankly I hate hearing men brags about their conquests. However when a women lets you do something, how is that different than a woman letting you kiss her? If she lets you, and you kiss her, is that some kind of assault? There's a YUGGGE difference between grabbing a woman against her wishes and grabbing a woman who's fine with it. Clinton on the other hand.....


Well when all of America agrees with you...


Evil and disgraceful post with malign intentions.
