Lord of the Flies
Such a perfect metaphor for the current plague-infested white house.
shareSorry, but Obama held that title first. https://www.google.com/search?source=univ&tbm=isch&q=obama+flies&client=firefox-b-1-d&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiu6vbWrKTsAhVDF6wKHXq9Dy0QjJkEegQIChAB&biw=1920&bih=966
shareFunny, I don't recall Obama letting a plague loose in the white house.
shareObama WAS the plague.
shareWell Trump is a tool of Satan and has been running a field office for Satan for the last four years!
And my argument is just as logical as yours. No, it's far more logical, in fact, it'd explain everything, even the way we're seeing Satan's bill come due.
So Satan is punishing Trump by giving him a dose of COVID that's lethal as a summer cold, huh? Wow. Trump's really paying a heavy toll, there. LOL.
shareSeriously now: I've seen what coronavirus can do to people in real life, and I think Trump is sicker than he wants to let on. The clip of him struggling to breathe on the white house balcony (with no mask and not caring who he infects) suggest the people I've seen with "moderate" cases, which FYI means that a person doesn't need a ventilator, but even with high-flow oxygen on they're still so short of breath that eating is a struggle. And the latest still pictures released show a man who looks like he's staring into the mouth of Hell itself, not to mention the batshit tweets since he left the hospital.
The next few weeks should be interesting, to put it politely.
Ediit: I've just heard that Trump has declined to appear in the next presidential debate.
Lethal as a summer cold?! You’re one of THOSE people?
shareMy nigga Flyshawn was on tv 🤣🤣
shareMikey "Pink Eye" McFly
shareDonald called Kamala a monster and a communist. He's come a long way from calling them nasty women. Anyway she pussywhipped Flyhead good!