Eden Lake

Holy crap this kid's a terrific actor. He delivered a very real and very layered performance in "Eden Lake". He really made you hate him yet you kind of understood where he came from and ALMOST sympathized with him. That is not easy to pull off, especially with that subject matter. I also saw "This is England" and loved it, but he flew under the radar in that. The kid actor who played Shaun (who's also in "Eden Lake" and terrific in it) and the actor who played Combo were the standouts in that. I'll be watching Jack O'Connell now though.


You'll have to check out Harry Brown and "Skins" (he really brings a much needed level of authenticity and class to the show).

Sex is so cheap, I get it at KFC.


Totally agree.

Watched Eden Lake last night and was TERRIFIED of Brett, but when we see his home situation, it all made sense why he was the way he was.

Not that being a psychopath is justifiable, but he is at that frightening age for most boys when they can go to either extremes based on the kind of support and guidance they've had growing up.


So glad you agree... But I actually (after a few viewings, which is sort of masochistic with this film) think that Michael Fassbender delivers the best performance in this film. There are two lines he says that REALLY REALLY make me believe that this *beep* is really happening. One is when the kids are chasing them and he gets jammed under a branch and he screams "I'm *beep* STUCK!!!", I've never believed a line more from any other actor, he was *beep* stuck", the other *******spoiler****** was when he looks at his cut and says "I'm *beep* bleeding to death" he sooooo real as an actor, *beep* hell is he real. Probably my favorite discovery actor-wise. Take nuffin from Jack O'Connell, still brilliant, but has the showiest role. Fassbender turned that role into gold, the guy IS gold. Brilliant.


He definitely delivered in his role Eden Lake! Terrific actor! He's also extremely hot!!!


That's what I loved about the film, the characters portrayed where absolutely convincing, even the smallest parts. (though, I have to admit the blonde boy's face after the little kid was burned alive seemed a bit too indifferent.. I mean.. a 10 y/o kid was burned to death in front of them and his face is like, "whoah, okay, that was sort of sick." not "OMGWTF WHAT ARE WE DOING?!?!?!?"?" I'd totally freak out if I saw that!!!)
The part where he says he's bleeding to death really got me. It seemed so real, he's an incredible actor.
Had only seen him in "Inglourious Basterds" so far.

Kind of disappointing to read that Jack O'Connell always plays the same roles tho? I remember watching "This is England" a long time ago, but never finished it, and I can't remember his part.
I would love to see him in different movies.



Agreed! He is such a fantastic and very underrated actor. Everything I've seen him in I've loved his character and acting. Eden Lake is a prime example of his terrific acting as well as Harry Brown, another awesome performance by him. From going from seeing him in Skins to higher level films is so good because it shows that he isn't just a TV star.

Wine is fine, but whiskey's quicker.

"You're so cool."


I think I might have to punch him square in the throat if I ever see him in person. Little prick burning people alive and whatnot.


Agreed. Jack O'Connell was frighteningly convincing as Brett in "Eden Lake."

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!
