
Haven't seen this little boys movie yet about Christmas, but I think I will watch, just found out he lives about half an hour away from me to the west,and his grandparents live about 15 minutes away to the east of me. Can't wait to see someone around here on television.


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oh my gosh, like, how cool is that :)

hasn't anyone ever told you that smoking was bad for you?

no..no one..THANK YOU.


haha, by the way, who is dylan minnette..?

oo and thanks about journalism, yeah i feel bad for mister gore =/
your presentation was amazing as well! paparazzi get blamed for everything. it's like, "hey,freedom of press, man."
^hah. that was my hippie imitation =]

hasn't anyone ever told you that smoking was bad for you?

no..no one..THANK YOU.


ooo yeah mr. mcmullen was talking about him last year, i think dylan was friends with his son theo =]
oo a good dancer you say?
well he can't be as amazing as me...especially when i foxtrot.
^sooo kidding, i have no idea what that is, besides a dance =]

haha and thanks, your hippie imitation was righteous as well.

hasn't anyone ever told you that smoking was bad for you?

no..no one..THANK YOU.


why thank you, senorita! im not one to brag, but i do a wicked awesome chicken dance =]

hasn't anyone ever told you that smoking was bad for you?

no..no one..THANK YOU.
