Breaking Dawn?

It says he will be in there but what do you think it would be? I kind of hope it's not some flashback. I would like to see Riley alive rather then dead.
If you seen him in the movie, you see Riley isn't seen torn apart or burned? You just see him get dragged away..

So its that 'what if' thought..

Love all vampires, sparkle and burn alike.
Cirque Du Freak FTW
Team Riley


I was thinking the same thing. It looks like he is on the cast list and, like you said, he wasn't exactly killed in the movie. If Xavier is in Breaking Dawn, then I'll definitely see the film.


Well sadly, Summits just broke the dream.
Its just a rumor and they cleared it up.
It kind of angered me because of that. Xavier should come back as Riley because he may have replaced the Danalie Clan in Breaking Dawn.
And I am sure I spelt that wrong..

Love all vampires, sparkle and burn alike.
Cirque Du Freak FTW
Team Riley


Well, in the book he was burned...

Sally: What do you call people you go out with but don't try to sleep with?
Patrick: Men.


Why would he replace the Denali Clan? They are pretty intricate to the story and history of the Cullens. It's because of what happened in the first book and then with a MEMBER of the Denali Clan that gets them into trouble in Breaking Dawn. Kind of impossible to have that happen without them or at least without completely changing the book around to the point of stupidity. Not to mention one person does not a clan make and that's very important to in how the 'fight' ends.


You don't see him burned but it's pretty heavily implied when you see him being dragged through the woods. He also was burned in the book so I don't know why people thought he'd be coming back. There is no reason that the Cullens wouldn't have burned him up and there was no one left to make off with him/save him.


That's unfortunate. I'm not a fan of Twilight so I don't care if the storyline gets changed. HOwever, it was interesting to see Xavier as Riley. It would've been great if he was brought back. He and Dakota Fanning brought depth to the film that the other actors are quite incapable of doing.
