Wait, THIS dude played Fergus in Newcastle??
I just finished Adore. I thought I sorta recognized Xavier Samuel so I looked up what other films he had streaming on Netflix. I saw that he was in the surfing film Newcastle, which I've seen. I said "Oh, maybe he was the lead". Nope. I kept searching. Didn't see him for awhile. Then saw some dude in a minor supporting role who I thought was him, which I found odd since he's got pretty top billing.
Then I finally check IMDB and see that he was FERGUS. Never, not in a billion years, would I have thought the guy playing Fergus in Newcastle was the same guy in Adore. I remember thinking the actor who played Fergus was really good and I could see him going on to do strong work. I was right, but he looks like a 1000% different person to me now than he did in 2006.