What happeend to his profile pic?
Our lord and savior has lost his imagery.
shareThou shalt not make to thyself an idol, nor likeness of anything, whatever things are in the heaven above, and whatever are in the earth beneath...
Exodus 20:4
Are all pictures of Jesus breaking this commandment?
sharePractically yes, this commandment was watered down even in early catholicism.
shareI wanna learn more about this belief. What denomination(s) teaches this?
shareMaybe you should read something about iconoclasm...
No, since Jesus had a human body in the material world, the rule does not apply. No likeness can be made of things in heaven. Jesus was on earth. Notice that no Christians have ever put forward a picture of God the Father.
shareMichelangelo was a Christian...
shareExcellent. Then he knew there was no prohibition on depictions of Christ anywhere in the Bible.
And his paintings of God the Father were figurative and symbolic, not literal and idolatrous.
Concerning "no prohibitions": In times of Jesus there was only the Torah. And there you have your prohibition 🙂 And I really doubt that Jesus would be proud of any depictions of himself.
shareSo Jews and Muslims don't paint pictures of God. Irrelevant. This thread is about a pic of Christ. 🙂
share"Notice that no Christians have ever put forward a picture of God the Father."
Plenty of Christian artists, including Michelangelo and lots of others, have painted God.
Okay, I correct myself. But they're not iconic pics. There's nothing which would be hung in a church as an item of worship.
shareChristians being wholly hypocritical and ignorant about their own "devout" followings? WHAT????
shareIt's the Devil's work !
He filed a DMCA copyright takedown againts MovieChat. Allegedy, Jim doesn't want to pay for the license to use His likenessâ„¢ commercially.
shareI can only pray that this doesn't happen to the iconic Princess Beatrice Picture...
shareThey didnt have photographs 2k years ago....
shareMohammed, Xenu, Buddha and the Flying Spaghetti Monster conspired to take it down.
shareIt's a picture of the holy spirit