Mary Magdalene (a stream of consciousness poem for Easter)
Praised be to thee, to the Son of Man for straightening the Way.
But who does know the difference between the Son of Man and the Son of God?
These are the two titles of the Lord: Son of Man and Son of God.
The demons call Jesus the "Son of God", but Jesus will only call Himself the "Son of Man".
Like the King of Beasts, who dares to rouse Him up? To rebuke, to fight, to heal?
The Pharisees hated Him and they killed Him.
Mary loved Him.
Mary anointed His feet and cried.
There was always a Mary at His side: His mother, His friend, or His companion. They were all named Mary.
This is the story of Jesus and Mary:
Mary was found at a well seeking water.
And Jesus found her.
Find Mary, find the true Grail.