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So people are the image of god...

God sent his only son down to earth. Dude sports a beard. So I’m guessing in the eyes of thy lord beards are cool. So why did god create so many Asians and native American men who can’t grow whiskers? I call bullshit! Where’s the equality in that? Loves everyone equally my ass!


Well most theories favor the idea that native americans are descended from Asians who crossed the Bering Strait land bridge some 10000 years ago or more. And we all know that Asians originally came from a planet that evolved hairless faces eons ago.


10000 years ago? Lol, the earth is only 6000 years old. Idiot.


I keep forgetting that part! A very wise person once told me when I cited some scientific dating evidence against the Earth being only 6000 years old, he said that God created everything with a false sense of age. I then wondered if during the creation of the universe, God also originally made light travel much faster than what the current speed of light is and that's why we are able to see stars and galaxies which are more than 6000 light years away from Earth. Otherwise, there would only be a fraction of the lights in the night sky that we see today since only those stars within the 6000 light year range would be observable to us now (let alone us even seeing another galaxy, the closest of which major galaxies to the Milky Way is around 2 million light years away). That God sure is a trickster!


umm he did create all people equally its just as sinful and flawed humans created Tribalism He loves The Gay people as Much the Native Americans


I was joking?


Except in the Old Testament he says a man lying with a man is detestable.


Who said that exactly ?


God inspired the Priestly Source to write down his word.


The unnamed unknown "Priestly Source". Alrighty then...


Does knowing who the author is make any difference to your beliefs? Plenty of known authors wrote down the word of God.


My belief is that the works that found there way into the Bible were written by men, "God" had nothing to do with it.

It makes it much more difficult to believe a document if you have no idea who wrote it, when they wrote it and why they wrote it. No-one knows who the Gospel authors were for example. Oh unless you believe that "knowing" a few first names is good enough.

Name a couple of these known authors for me.


Paul the apostle. John of Patmos.


Paul "the Apostle" was a historical figure but a problematic one. He never met Jesus except in a vision and he has strikingly very little to say about the life of Jesus. He is regarded by some as the inventor of Christianity.

"John of Patmos" much like the "authors" of the Gospels is a made up person. Who wrote the Book of Revelations ? Who knows ? But it was very unlikely to have been the fictional "John of Patmos".


Of course they were written by men. Inspired by God. If you created the universe, wouldn't you want people to know your word?


But they could only have been inspired by God if there was a God.


If you had a first and last name for each book. Would it change your mind about what was written? Ofcourse it wouldn't. It would still be written from someone 2000 years ago. People are discrediting the non-biblical sources that mention Jesus from known historians so yeah I doubt it would make a difference.


They are "discrediting" them because they were forgeries.


The scholarly consensus on Tacitus writings is that its authentic. You could literally just say anything found of historical origin is a forgery. That is a cop out especially when most scholars say the opposite.


In other words the Christian scholars dismiss the "textual problems" and believe what they want to believe. And even if the additions were not forgeries all you have is Tacitus reporting on what he has been told or read about ( hearsay ) in 114 AD. It's not evidence.


It´s not just Christian Scholars. Do you think all historians are Christians? That is ridiculous. How about scientists/historians with Creationist beliefs? Do you just dismiss all their work that is scientifically sound just because of their theology? That´s also ridiculous.


Billy Stonewall Slater


So are you telling me that this book that people are suppose to follow blindly could be full of lies? That these authors could have just written whatever they wanted and claimed it was the word of god to control the masses through fear? Hmm thats sounds far fetched. I mean Jesus only walked on water.


You should read it yourself and decide for yourself if it is truth or not. The problem is most people don´t read it and make any excuse not to. If it was designed to control the masses, its not doing a very good job.


Back in the long time ago days the fear of god’s punishments and his bible were good enough to scare the mob straight. In modern times they use aids, iphones, and corona virus.


They use a great deal more than that.


In his image is not a physical image (as God is a spirit being).


Who says Asian men can’t grow beards?


I didnt say all but the majority of asians have baby faces.


I know Assyrian and Mexican women that have more hair on their face then asian dudes.


You obviously don’t watch many Japanese movies.


I watch laos movies and jap porn.



I think this is "generally speaking" lol.

I who god doesn't have boobs, a vagina, and a penis when I meet him one day.

In reality, that is said for social engineering reasons. Herodotus, the Greek historian, from like 5k ago when to Egypt. He noted that Africans have no value for life. This can still be seen in Africa and other places. He said that was because they viewed humans as another type of animal. Meanwhile, he said that Greeks believed humans to be a divine creation and so life was more important to them and there was less killing.

So, the idea is meant to put in your head that humans are like god and not something to be taken lightly.


Asians can't grow whiskers? Ever see Fu Manchu?


Somehow I just can't imagine God taking a dump can you ? So there's another line from the Bible in the "doubtful" pile I would say.


Lol yup


People are "in the image of God" for those who practice Judaism, since that is from the Jewish Bible, which is the Old Testament.


Tell me about the one with the lizard alien and volcanos.


You obviously have read the collected works of Alex Jones.
