MovieChat Forums > Aníta Briem Discussion > If she is Icelandic...

If she is Icelandic...

from her trivia section:
"Fluent in English, with working Danish and German."

why doesn't she speak Icelandic?


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Of course she speaks Icelandic, it's just not listed as I suppose English is not listed as a language some (or most) English actors speak. I went to school with her and I've seen her in "Cold Trail" and on stage in a theater, I promise she speaks Icelandic fluently. ;)


Who says she doesn't? I´m Icelandic and when I´m abroad I dont speak Icelandic, I speak English, Danish or German (depending on where). Believe me, she can talk our language, It´s just useless outside of Iceland.


I haven't seen "fluent in English" in any trivia section on here for English speaking actors, so maybe none of them speak English. Hmm.


It does unless she was raised away from her native.


I would agree. Icelandic is said to be a very difficult language to learn. Speaking this language is only useful in Iceland. Notice most all Icelandic people speak several languages.
