
Is it just me or does she always play a bitch? Thats annoying :( Especially if her dad is a pastor.


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She plays a good bitch, i really couldn't picture her in the role of someone sweet and wholesome


She really is a nice girl in real life though, my dad and stepmother are good friends with her sister Rachel and have talked to her every now and then. It's just what she is good at portraying, but she really can play the nice girl roles as well if she wanted to.


I suppose she is good at what she does then because whenever I see her I just find her so distasteful. She should try a good role and see how it goes...


That's because she actually is probably sweet, and that is why she plays the mean girls so well!

Fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death


She seems like a really sweet girl in her interviews. It's much more fun to play the bad girl. Bein' bitchy.

Don't eva let nobody tell you you ain't strong enough


She looks like a ballbuster, so, she plays the role perfectly!


She was home schooled and her father is a pastor, so she is probably an uneducated bitch. Which is a shame, she looks so very humpable.
