MovieChat Forums > Steven Strait Discussion > Sorry to see his career sorta fizzle out...

Sorry to see his career sorta fizzle out..

I think this guy had a lot of potential. He should have had two and three good roles under his belt for every year. Another example of a good actor that got married way too early (at 20 or 21) and gave up his career as a result of it. I have seen it dozens of times. Steven should be a household name by now and nobody knows who he is when I mention his name. (My mother is in casting & producing). Peculiar last name too.. sounds like a porn star.. woulda done better to change it. Show biz..


Theirs still hope for him lol


Always hope.


Never give up hope


He is still young, he's very talented as well as genuinely nice, & charasmatic. He will have some bigger things coming, just be patient.;)




Fortunately, that's true!


I think he has done a fine acting job in SyFy's EXPANSE series. His work in that series should lead to more roles. 👍


But... he got to get told off by an attractive woman in After!

Umm, hope.
