Taylor Lautner..

And Steven Straight MUST be long lost brothers. They look almost identical. Hotties!!


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yeah he looks really like taylors older brother... it's strange..


Thats true! I remember fighting over steven with my friends when the covenant came out. Lol.


Haha I remember that... I think he was EVERYONE'S Jacob at that point. XD Remember how pissed everyone was when they first cast 'Sharkboy'? And then he turned out to be amazingly awesome. :D

T~O #331


See, I'm not a Twilight fan. I don't think the acting is good at all and the characters are too whiny for me. (Just my opinion; not trying to put any Twilight fans down.) I think Steven Strait has the potential to do so many greater projects than Twilight, and I'm happy he wasn't chosen for that role.


He would of definitley made a better Jacob then Taylor but truthfully he is too good of a actor for the Twilight movies.


"Cept he doesn't have a butt ugly nose like Lautner.
