MovieChat Forums > Luigi Mangione Discussion > Mangione is a right wing anti-woke liber...

Mangione is a right wing anti-woke libertarian.

He was an anarchist.

These idiots calling him a leftist and a communist need to read a book or something.


Whatever he is, he did a horrible thing and deserves immediate, severe punishment that will discourage others from following his example. And all the crazy left-wing activists who are praising him ought to reevaluate their world view, though I think they are too far beyond help to ever do so.


Keep crying your crocodile tears for a dead billionaire (the ruling class will never love you, just like daddy didn’t)


Those people are obviously paid trolls, they are here to control public sentiment and the narrative.


Who's paying them, and why? I don't think they are paid trolls. I think they are being genuine, and they've been raised without a moral compass. Anyone who celebrates the murder of another person has deep psychological problems that are likely incurable at this stage of his life. Someone, somewhere failed him, maybe his parents, maybe schools, maybe the entire system of society, and he's not alone. There are many, many people who are deriving joy from the suffering of others, and have fully convinced themselves that they are "the good guys" for feeling that way.


Nice projection there, you corporate shill. You probably salivate every time the billionaires get another tax cut and corporations have record profits

Meanwhile your country is currently funding a genocide of mass proportions. Try looking in a mirror.


Suddenly we're talking about genocides? What genocide is happening that I'm unaware of? What do tax cuts have to do with any of this?

It's wrong to murder. It's wrong to celebrate murder.

If everyone went out and killed whoever they think is "the bad guy" it would be a very terrible world to live in. We have laws in place to prevent exactly that. When someone like Mangione breaks those laws, he deserves swift and severe punishment, and anyone who can't see that is inarguably a sociopath.

We can argue about tax cuts, foreign policy, or anything else, and if we disagree, it's possible that we each have a valid stance. If you believe it's a good thing for someone to gun someone down in the streets , you do not have a valid stance.


Please get off your high horse. The USA celebrates the death of people everyday. You know exactly what genocides are going on, unless you live under a rock. The US is practically a slave state

Yet somehow you’re outraged over the deserved death of a mass murderer? Your logic is warped.

Also nice strawman arguments at the end there. You’re too dense to realize that vigilantism is a product of the system YOU support. If we truly lived in a society of fair and just laws that CEOs wouldn’t be gunned down like dogs. Don’t like it? Go out and be the change you seek in the world.


As a whole, we HAVE done something about it. We've elected a competent and capable president, who will take office next month.


lol same president who crashed the economy. Thanks for proving your retardation.


I agree,the could have used his wealth to form an insurance company to help people who can not afford high premiums, or become a healthcare lobbyist. Anything but commit murder.


What an inhuman response. This has nothing to do with any ruling class. This is about living in a society where murder is never allowed, let alone celebrated.

That man had a wife and children, and friends and family. If he committed a crime, there are systems in place to see that he's given a fair trial and punished if found guilty.


Oh spare us your faux outrage and pearl-clutching you disingenuous fool, no one cares that a guy who murdered millions is dead. He was worse than Bin laden

There is no system. Keep crying for a billionaire whose death the entire country is celebrating 😆


The entire country is not celebrating it. The overwhelming majority of people agree with me, that murder is always wrong, and we don't want to live in a society of misguided vigilantes, meting out what they see as justice against anyone they personally believe deserves death.

You and I have no idea what Brian Thompson did or didn't do. If he was guilty of crimes, there's a system in place to handle that. Whether he was a billionaire or a homeless pauper is immaterial.


Nope, literally more than half the country has sided against United. They killed millions and got away with it. Your feelingz don’t erase factsx, snowflake.

Remind me the last time a health insurance CEO went to prison? When the system doesn’t work, the constitution places power in the hands of the people. Keep on living in fear and hating your own freedom, loser!

I bet you support the death penalty and Israel, ya hypocrite


Ahhh, so "The Jews" are behind it all? Is that where all of this is leading? is that your mythical genocide?


I’m Jewish you imbecile. What an ignorant response from you. I just don’t support Zionism like you MAGAcucks do


When someone is as uninformed as you, and spouting nonsense seemingly at random, it's impossible to know where they stand on anything. That you are Jewish is immaterial.

But of course you're on the side of Hamas. They're also mass-murdering, immoral monsters, just like Mangione. Genocide? lol


No surprise you’re completely retarded and oblivious to the fact Israel created Hamas, ya fuckin simpleton. Now fuck off now that I’ve outed you, Hasbara troll.😈

Also Mangione is now a “mass murderer”? Is there a name for this fantasy land you live in? 🤣


no one cares that a guy who murdered millions is dead

Also Mangione is now a “mass murderer”? Is there a name for this fantasy land you live in?

FFS you're not even trying, don't waste any more of my time, boy. Trolls used to put in effort, you just put cocks in your mouth.


thanks for admitting you lost the argument dipshit.

Now fuck off outta my thread if you’re just gonna troll, ad hominem and strawman 😎


Shut your fucking cockholster it's my thread now.


As hard as you try, Luigi is not going to give you a conjugal visit; he likes intellectuals.


I’ll give you a conjugal visit tonight


100% correct Filmbuff!


You should suck his dick a lil more, it’s still kinda limp, you pedo rapist


And you should go play in the kiddy sandbox, not try to pass yourself off as an adult. You're not believable.


You shouldn’t try to pass yourself off as a man, you even type like a low-T man-let


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm a woman and have never tried to pass myself off as anything else. I can sense a child on this board. Adults do not talk like you do! As I said, go back to the kiddy sandbox.


Yes you are indeed a woman trying to be a man, how pathetic



🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Trying to be a man 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Thanks for the good laugh little one.


I don't know what he is, other than a murderer, but it's mainly leftists who are buying his t-shirt and saying they want to marry him.


No, it's giddy females and they did this with Ted Bundy, Richard Ramirez and hundreds of other infamous murderers. It has nothing to do with politics.


Yes, like the OP.


Progressive leftists lost the election and they’ve realized that it’s difficult work to actually persuade their fellow citizens to support leftist policy goals. It’s vastly easier to riot and destroy or have one of their crazies just shoot someone in the back. The scary part is the lesson now imprinted on this generation of young nihilists of all political perspectives. The Dems immortalizing this guy will have a hard time condemning the future partisan nut who executes someone in an equally unpopular group on the left.


"The Dems immortalizing this guy will have a hard time condemning the future partisan nut who executes someone in an equally unpopular group on the left."

Nah, you're giving then too credit for not being hypocritical when immortalizing the guy is hypocritical.


You're the idiot who doesn't know what libertarian means!
Anarchists are anti-Capitalist therefore far Left. Antifa, for example.


Hahaha. Libertarianism is bourgeois anarchism and Mangione was definitely a son of the bourgeoisie!

Thin lines, dude.


Anarchists are anti-rulers, therefore far-Right.


You clearly need to read this, D-feet 🍆:'s%20emphasis%20on%20anti%2Dcapitalism,left%20of%20the%20political%20spectrum.


Anarchism is ... against all forms of authority ...
Capitalism is ... based on the private ownership ... The defining characteristics of capitalism include private property ... competitive markets, price systems, recognition of property rights, self-interest, economic freedom, meritocracy, work ethic, consumer sovereignty ... decentralized decision-making ... voluntary exchange ... a market economy. ...,a%20market%20economy


"Anarchism is ... against all forms of authority .."

Now try to read everything that comes after that...


Anarchism is against all forms of authority, i.e. no rulers!


And now read the part that says that if it's placed anywhere on the political spectrum, it's on the far-left.🍆


The far-left are the definition of big government (/government controlled business), central planning for the common/greater good etc. I.e. diametrically opposite of being against all forms of authority/rulers!


Well, apparently your personal definition of the far-left is not correct.

It's clear you need to read the article. And this one:


Far-left is pure socialism.

Anarchism (no rulers) doesn't fit in with the others:

authoritarianism, anarchism, communism, and Marxism, or are characterized as groups that advocate for revolutionary socialism and related communist ideologies, or anti-capitalism and anti-globalization.
Anti-globalization is limited to national socialists and the like.


Your quote includes anarchism and states it also falls under socialism/communism, so you're not making any sense.

Read the article, your made-up personal definition simply isn't correct, D-feet.🍆🍆🍆


I'm saying authoritarianism, communism, and Marxism etc are based on force, anarchism is not. Like capitalism, market economy, voluntary exchange, private property rights etc are not based on centralized control!


I'm sure there are differences, but that doesn't mean anarchism is on the right side of the political spectrum.


Of course it is, along with the other no-/small government ideologies. Socialism on the other hand is the government/state owning/controlling everything for the common/greater good.


Of course it's not, as evidenced by the sources in the Wikipedia article. You have to try harder, Douchefeet.🍆🍆🍆


Anarchism is no rulers. Libertarianism/minarchism/anarcho-capitalism etc are small governmemt/private property rights/free trade/voluntary exchange/freedom of association/market economy/decentralized etc.

Socialism etc is big government, the state owning/controlling everything for the common/greater good, top-down, command-/planned-/mixed economies, centralized/regulated etc.






I hope you'll enjoy celebrating a lonely Christmas with your dozens of sock puppet accounts in your momma's basement, Douchefeet!🍆🎄🍆


Conspiracy theorist!


Being anti-woke does not make someone “right wing.”


True. But it shows Mangione's frame of reference. He's not a pandering DEI liberal. He's more an angry white male like half the guys on this board.


So how comes that his fans all look like Kamala voters?


You have a lot of women who don't know shit about politics but think he's cute. They're the same women who wanted to marry the serial killer Richard Ramirez.

But this guy Mangione is a political assassin, not a serial killer.


I think he is just an attention seeking creep. Let's see at the trial...


However, from all accounts he was a normal guy until a few months ago.


He was an anarchist

Based on the limited data and short manifesto, you don't really know what he was.


Anti-woke. Anti-DEI. More anarchist than communist.


He was absolutely a left wing nihilist. His “manifesto” and social media trail recapitulates the corporate greed narrative that’s been a left wing standard for a century. He traced all misery, misfortune, and ill health to corporate evil and corruption which is leftist orthodoxy. It’s the reason he’s being idealized (and even idolized) by the most popular left wing politicians like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren (not to mention the many progressive posters on MovieChat) who give lip service about the actual crime of murder because they like his political message
