MovieChat Forums > Georgie Henley Discussion > Her acting in VDT...

Her acting in VDT...

just isn't convincing. What happened?
She was awesome in LWW, did a good job in PC and now in VDT her acting skills are dropping so low?
Anyone else saw this?

Dear Agony, I want you in the Hunger Games.


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I know, right? She used to be so irresistible and fresh. But now it's like she's on autopilot or something...



Exactly. Her acting is so fake. No denying that she's grown into a gorgeous girl, but that doesn't make up for her lost acting skills

Dear Agony, I want you in the Hunger Games.


I think in the first 2 movies as she was so young she received a LOT of guidance from Andrew Adamson and he did several tricks to make her acting more natural (like how her reaction to seeing Narnia for the first time was genuine, her reaction to seeing the fawn was genuine, etc), so maybe Michael Apted treated her more like a professional actress and gave her less guidance...


I don't think so. I liekd her in the movie :)

Harry Potter fan and half-blood :)


I think it's a case of when some of them are younger, they can more easily believe in the fantasy of the set, but adolescence brings on more self-conscious behaviour, therefore whatever reactions they had that were 'natural' become contrived.

'Who is this person the world owes money to? Can we just kill the bastard and relax?'


I think she has just grown up a LOT since the first movie came out. Everyone is used to seeing her as an excitable, fresh faced little kid...

She was very good in VDT but I agree she didint come across as good as the previous 2 films.

