Her accent!

I don't know if anyone realised, but in the film I noticed a bit of a yorkshire accent. It was a bit annoying!


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whats wrong with a yorkshire accent?

Sarcasm keeps you from telling people what you really think of them!


Heh, I was about to say that. It's equally odd when they talk about the "oh-so English" accents on these boards of the rest of the children, but they are ENGLISH. And they may sound slightly prim but that's the way they speak naturally, it's not put on.

Fools. : D

Title for book seven: Harry Potter and the "Oh bollocks I missed."


I love Georgie's accent!

-Nick Jonas


uh her accent is sooo cute! I went to a different part of England near york shire and saw her on a train with her parents... no one was really all on her for an autograph but she was playing some odd game with them... i was like... oh! i wanna go talk to her.. but i decided to give her some space... she's just a kid! i'd love to do a movie with her! but i guess i'll stick to trying american movies... trying to make an english accent is hard for me! Even though i lived their for almost a year.. its still hard! haha


When you said her accent was Enoying you are making fun of me. We go to school together and I think Having a English Accent is a lot better then Most. And to have an Accent from Yorkshire is like really common!


no i was just sharing a pointless story about the topic hahaha
