MovieChat Forums > Sebastian Stan Discussion > Anyone see him on Chelsea at dinner part...

Anyone see him on Chelsea at dinner party?

I've been going thru the eps of Chelsea on Netflix and I couldn't believe what he was acting like.
He and some other cast members from Captain America were there and he came off so utterly pompous, arrogant and down right douchey.
Since he's not a big name star, I figured he'd still be a bit humble. Not all all.
Very disappointing to know what kind of person he appears to be.


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I actually saw that episode recently (two nights ago), and I did not exactly get the same impression from him. In fact, I think he hardly spoke during dinner and when he did, he didn't contribute much.


Yeah, he hardly speaks at all; in fact, in joint interviews, he's usually the quiet, introspective one. I get the impression he's actually kind of awkward in those situations.


I've only seen snippets. Him talking about Leonardo DiCaprio in "The Revenant" and Chelsea commenting about how Bucky is like Steve's 'robin.'

What did he say/do that made him sound pompous?


I remember reading that Frank Grillo was really behaving badly at that dinner, but nothing else particularly noteworthy. Maybe I'll go watch.


Here, here! The amount of times I've been called rude because I'm introverted. Like, sorry I didn't want to butt into the conversation/didn't know what to contribute ? Also, I'm kind of one of those "silently judging you" types if someone says something ridiculous, and I probably would have had the same reaction as him listening to some of the things Chelsea and Frank said 

"George, you can type this *beep* but you can't say it."


He was, its not worth watching.

"George, you can type this *beep* but you can't say it."


I definately would not call him pompous. My friend has met him before, and she said he was humble (literally the first word she used to describe him), very sweet, and even a bit shy (hence why I think he doesn't talk a lot in interviews, he's a bit introverted). But I have seen that episode, and Frank (the guy who plays Rumlow) seemed like an ass. You can see Sebastian kind of roll his eyes when Frank made a racist comment. There was that, and I honestly think Chelsea was making him uncomfortable (it comes across in his body langauge). But if you wanna make a snap judgement of who a person is based off of one interview (one of the worst ones I've seen tbh, but I've never been a fan of Chelsea), then go ahead.

"George, you can type this *beep* but you can't say it."
