MovieChat Forums > Alexander Ludwig Discussion > KngKhan1....or should i say alan can you...

KngKhan1....or should i say alan can you please stop being so retarted

yo alan if you dont know who this is then you need to get help..its me man

for everyone who doesn't know who kngkhan 1 is, his name is alan and he is 22 years old

i go to school (jths) with him in the u.s... he is a complete egocentric maniac who honestly knows nothing about film making

so alan..why dont you just screw off and stop being so immature.. i too saw the seeker bro and i agree it wasn't a great movie or anything, however, Alexander Ludwig was fantastic, and anyone who knows anything about acting would agree with me.

let me lay this out for you... if he wasn't a great actor, I.C.M , one of the most respected talent agencies in the world would not have signed him, and fox and disney studios would not have cast him as there lead in a feature film if they did not know he is capable of great things and encompasses an immense amount of talent

for all you haters like alan, stop arguing something that cannot be argued for it is absolutely evident that this kid is born to be a talented actor/star


alright whoever this is. u obviously have no clue whatsoever what good acting is. Whatever talent agencies your talking about, usually know nothing at all about talent.

His acting is horrible because his performance is absoultely chliched. He takes himself way to seriously. Hate to sound like a broken record, but he just genuinely sucks. And william777, i honestly have no idea who this is, so i suppose i need help at this point?


Dude! haha im taking film marketing, film making, and theater ! and... i have also directed 2 short films and an independent film which won an award at sun-dance film festival! i think i know a little more than you do on this topic...and btw if his performance is cliched its because of the script ! and yes the movie was bad but he made the most of a horrible script! he is a talented actor! and i am excited to see the next movies he does! dont mean to be an ass but know nothing about the film business or acting so just lay off and go back to making you crappy kung foo videos! and you know exactly what i am talking about...


no i actually don't know what your talking about, because the kung "foo" refernece has no meaning what so ever to me...and wow, you've made independent flims that won awards at the sun-dance film festival, now i just feel retarted, you have to know more than me...because the kung FU movies i make on youtube, are really serious, and i try my best to act the best to my ability. You have no clue at all what i know, so why don't you shut up.

and i still don't know who you are, but it's clear your on youtube, and you don't go to my quit the chicken s[-]it and let me know what youtube profile you are, so i can see your amazing movies.


hahaha...your an idiot


hahahaha...your certainly not
