MovieChat Forums > Alexander Ludwig Discussion > Let's bring some intellect to the board!

Let's bring some intellect to the board!

Almost all the recent posts on here are absolutely ridiculous. The crap that some people write on the internet makes me lose faith in the human race sometimes.

I saw the trailer for "Race to Witch Mountain", and I have to say I'm a bit disappointed. It doesn't seem like Alex has a lot of lines in the film, and AnnaSophia does nearly all of the talking. Besides that, the movie doesn't look all that great as compared to the old ones.
I'm ecstatic though to see Alex in another movie, even if it is a potentially lame one. Does anyone else hope he starts getting into more films that really let his potential shine through? As in get away from the disney/kid movies and start branching out into some dramas or indie films? I'd really like to hear other people's opinions. =)

It was a joke! Do you not get the concept of a joke, or sarcasm possibly?


I totally agree...He definitely has alot of talent and has a lot of potential to make it big and it would be such a pleasure to see him preform in a darker role or one that allows him to show off his real talent and potential


It doesn't seem like Alex has a lot of lines in the film
Sounds like it should be good then.


Dick, much?

"You're killin' me Smalls."
