MovieChat Forums > Alexander Ludwig Discussion > The Mortal Instruments

The Mortal Instruments

I think that he would be absolutely perfect for Jace. He has the look and everything. It's my favorite book series and they're making it into movies, so I think he'd be awesome as Jace. But that's just my opinion. Everyone else thinks Alex Pettyfer, but I don't see it.



i totally agree. there is no one better than him for the role. im on the second book now and i love the books soooo much!!!!! it kinda threw my off when simon got turned though. but i get it now. anyway your not the only one who thinks he would be good 4 the part!!!!!!

I am NOT a STALKER! by the way, your out of milk.


Someone made a dream cast video with him in it:

I still like Alex Pettyfer best, but Alex Ludwig is a good #2 dream cast choice, I think :)

- Courtney -

Alex Pettyfer IS Jace.


I agree, Alex Pettyfer may have looked the part about three years ago, but he just looks too old now.


I can see Alexander Ludwig as Jace, but he is a better fit for Peeta Mellark in "The Hunger Games". I hope his audition for that movie went well. I don't hate Alex Pettyfer as Jace, but he is taking too long to decide if he wants the role.


YESSSS I just finished the first book in one sitting (5 hours! oh, yeah!) and I am already in love with them. He would be PERFECT.


I totally agree Alexander Ludwig would be perfect for Jace. Ever since a friend metioned that he was who she pictured as Jace i haven't been able to picture anyone else as him. But Alex Pettyfer would be a good Jace if he looked a few years younger and Alex Ludwig wasn't available.

I have a job. Its called being awesome. Full Time.


Yeah! Actually, looking at him, he would play a great Jace! :D
