No IMDb credits for 2013
Sure, she could be doing theater, but I wonder why she hasn't been acting recently. I hope she hasn't stopped. I hadn't seen her before Eureka, but I really liked her.
Sure, she could be doing theater, but I wonder why she hasn't been acting recently. I hope she hasn't stopped. I hadn't seen her before Eureka, but I really liked her.
she had a baby, so I guess she cut back on her work load
shareSaw her in the season 3 pilot of The 100.
shareMy thoughts exactly to both of the above post... By 2013 she was dealing with the terrible twos going on three years old. But it was great to see her at the season 2 finale of The 100, and her storyline in season 3. She's as gorgeous as ever, and it's nice to see her play a really different kind of role... She seems to have the potential to be a major talent in larger prductions, maybe some film. I would love to see her in more substantial roles. Sure it was nice to see her in Supernatural, but it was a pretty minimal part... A recurring character would have been awesome... Like a Ruby type thing. (of course once that became Jared's wife, bets were off). Something along the lines of what Felicia Day did ... I love Felicia and wouldn't want that character to change... I'm just saying but I wish Erica would have gotten more episodes even if they were spread out over several seasons, but because of the characters she played it was kind of a one-off.