I might use your blog to find good OLD movies if you review them. Right now I just watch the new movies in theaters all the time that my friend/family might like based on an actor's previous genre work or the genre itself....
I'm not much of a movie watcher at all, I prefer tv but there is very little good on tv worth putting the effort into but I try and watch some films on Netflix and I get bored in the 1st 5 minutes and don't know if it's worth wasting my time on.
If it weren't for my film class I wouldn't have known about other good movies such as Amelie (started off really slow though), CK, Casablanca, Pan's Labryinth, the Usual Suspects.
Movies don't take up as much time, so hopefully I can go from an avid favTV show (depending) watcher to a movie watcher.
I'll keep it in on my bookmark for when I'm bored to try and find something but I don't know how to "FOLLOW" blogs. :)
Professional Cult Addict: SUPERNATURAL 2. Buffy/Angel-New 3.Xena- Nostalgic