Daneel Ackles? Cmon

Ok is that just to separate herself from Danielle Harris(Halloween) or what? Im sorry but the name changing thing is SOOOOO "1950" like people do that anymore...

Ill tell you, they will have sex a bunch(and yes Jensen, your a lucky dude buddy) and then maybe have 1 or 2 children, it will last around 3 years, up to 5 if there lucky, then they will split up and we will hear about them in the magazine how ones was mean to the other and blabla...

All relation are doomed to end this way, 95% of the time... so why changing name...


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Name changing - it is called getting married. Pretty simple really.


Dude, where i live, in canada, women do not change there names since ... a while ago, not sure how many years, but a bunch. This come from women wanting equality and such... is it mandatory to change name in USA? that would be stupid


I live in the UK and I would think 90% of women change their name when they get married, hence why I would never think it strange she changed her name - not more than I think it is strange that Genevieve Cortese is now Genevieve Padalecki.

Nothing is mandatory but there is nothing wrong with changing your name either.

As for the equality comment, my husband and I live as equal partners with the same surname. Also my mother's cousin lives in Ontario and she has her husband's surname.


Personally im in quebec, and its commen than when somebody call at home he will ask for mister or mrs "insert name" but by the governement, they keep there name. I founded it funny that they even go to changing there name on IMDB...<

Most wedding last only a few years these day, its not for life anymore like it use to be in 1930 in our grand fathers time... now i can understand they changed there name back then.


Aren't you a pessimist. Though I gotta agree some marriages only last a few years or so but there are some that last ... well till death do they part. I live in the US and it's very common for the woman to take the last name of their partner. However, my best friend has not taken her recent husbands last name. Mostly in honor of her father.

As far as changing it on IMBD/twitter they just wanna keep things in order with official documents. Makes things easier in the long run. I suppose. *shrugs*

Demons I get, humans are crazy. - Dean Winchester


What part of Canada do you live on? Women change their name almost all the time


I live in Canada too (Ontario and BC), and I don't know anyone who HASN'T changed their name when they got married.
