MovieChat Forums > Alison Brie Discussion > Still the most beautiful woman I've ever...

Still the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.

I discovered her from Community a few years back, as I'm sure most of her fans did and was absolutely awestruck by her beauty. Fast forward to just recently when I saw Sleeping with Other People, and she's still as perfect as ever, if anything she's becoming even hotter with age ( if that is even possible ).

Dave Franco is the luckiest man on the planet for me.


she's not even average looking.

Oh yeah, she is definitely below average looking.....



She looks different to me these days. Like her face got real thin or something. I don't even recognize her sometimes.


She was gorgeous in Community.

Unfortunately and ironically she lost all of her youthful glow in the show GLOW.

Once a woman loses that youthful glow, they drop several points.

