MovieChat Forums > Jaimie Alexander Discussion > Would Have Been a Perfect Bella Swan!!!!

Would Have Been a Perfect Bella Swan!!!!

Jaimie Alexander is almost exactly the way I imagined Bella when I read the Twilight books. Then I saw her on Kyle XY and thought she'd be PERFECT for the movie. Kristen Stewart did a commendable job and I enjoyed her performance, but as I reread the books a second time after the movie was released I could not for the life of me picture Kristen as I read. My image of Robert Pattinson as my Edward never ever drifted. Kristen's image, on the other hand, I couldn't hold on to for longer than 5 minutes. My Bella is nearly identical to Jaimie (with the exception of Jaimie's eye color). I think she would have been an amazingly perfect fit for the character. And she's an awesome actress!! Just wondering, does anyone else share the same sentiment that Jaimie would have made a great Bella Swan?


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She looks like a good post-transformation Bella, methinks :] But I agree, I wouldn't want her acting in something atrocious as the Twilight movies >_


It's so weird, cuz I was just over on the Twilight boards. Bought the dvd today and just got done watching it, so was over there, and then looked Jaimie up and found this! hah.

I could tell by the look in his eyes that maybe I'm just another one of his lies


I can't see her as Bella, but have you read Stephenie Meyer's other book - The Host? I see Jaimie Alexander as Melanie. Even when I tried to picture other faces, since she is described as tan and Jaimie's pretty pale, I couldn't. Her face was in my head the whole time. I've basically cast the whole book in my head.

I also have a hard time keeping Kristen Stewart's face in my head while reading Twilight. I'm not sure why though because I think she was cast perfectly, but same here about Edward. His face is easy to think of. :)

Tomorrow's just your future yesterday!


I think Jaimie is too old and too pretty to play Bella. And besides, Jaimie is more of the bad-ass type of character. And I'm so glad she is not on Twilight. I hate those books.


i like Jaimie alot... she's cute...

but Kristen Stewart is the perfect Bella..


