MovieChat Forums > Eddie Redmayne Discussion > Oscar #2 for Mr. Redmayne?

Oscar #2 for Mr. Redmayne?

Anybody think he'll get one for The Danish Girl? As you all know, he's playing one of the first people ever to have a sexual reassignment surgery. The Academy is known to eat that stuff up. However, the Academy is also known for surprising us all the time, and I could see them awarding it to someone else like:

Leo in The Revenant (probably not happening)
Fassbender in Steve Jobs or Macbeth
Depp in Black Mass (he has a shot)
Hanks for Bridge of Spies (he's also won back-to-back Oscars before, oddly enough)
Gyllenhaal for Southpaw (kind of a dark horse here)
Bryan Cranston for Trumbo (I could actually see this one happening)
Tom Hiddleston for I Saw The Light (really dark horse here but if he knocks it out, he could get a nom)

What do you guys think? I think this race could be even more competitive than this years, where anybody except for Cumberbatch could've won.


i don´t think that e. redmayne will get it again; he will win many other awards, but not the oscar.
and i hope that he won´t get it; not so fast again. maybe in 10 or 20 years or so. oscar seems to bring even more stress than the other awards do.
i know that he always feels unsecure about his work, but "smaller" awards can help, too.
and he´s already in the position to chose his roles and to don´t must worry about his (and his small family´s) future.

i hope for depp at last or gyllenhaal. or any else very good actor which didn´t get the oscar, yet.

friendly wave




This year Oscar for Best Actor In A Leading Role it's Eddie's or Leo's.The race is between them. Fassbender,Gyllenhaal,Gordon-Levitt and Depp will get possibly a second,first or fourth nomination. The batiest Oscar films is The Danish Girl and The Revenant. Leo will give a performance of a survivor without any speaking in the entire film,he also told that he is the most brutal role he ever played and Eddie will portray three characters in one! I've read the book and he's role as Einar Wegener/Lily Elbe is completely Oscar-Worthy.I vote for Eddie because I'm sure he will nail it and he's portrayal is more difficult and compeling that Stephen Hawking's in The Theory Of Every Thing that gave him,his first Oscar...!


If it's between Leo and Eddie, Eddie will definitely win because you know Leo got the Oscar curse, lol Leon will never win an Oscar.

