Oscar #2 for Mr. Redmayne?
Anybody think he'll get one for The Danish Girl? As you all know, he's playing one of the first people ever to have a sexual reassignment surgery. The Academy is known to eat that stuff up. However, the Academy is also known for surprising us all the time, and I could see them awarding it to someone else like:
Leo in The Revenant (probably not happening)
Fassbender in Steve Jobs or Macbeth
Depp in Black Mass (he has a shot)
Hanks for Bridge of Spies (he's also won back-to-back Oscars before, oddly enough)
Gyllenhaal for Southpaw (kind of a dark horse here)
Bryan Cranston for Trumbo (I could actually see this one happening)
Tom Hiddleston for I Saw The Light (really dark horse here but if he knocks it out, he could get a nom)
What do you guys think? I think this race could be even more competitive than this years, where anybody except for Cumberbatch could've won.