MovieChat Forums > Eddie Redmayne Discussion > Worst best actor selection I've ever see...

Worst best actor selection I've ever seen.

Just watched the Theory of Everything and was blown away by how wooden and mechanical his performance is. He certainly looked like Stephen Hawking and did a great imitation of him but it felt soulless and very puppet-like. Many many actors could have pulled off this role. I found several performances by not nominated actors (Miles Teller in Whiplash, Jake Gyllenhaal in Nightcrawler) to be much more layered, nuanced, interesting and memorable. The academy completely whiffed on this one and no one will be thinking about this performance in 30 years.


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It's been 3 months since Eddie won that Oscar (and Michael Keaton didn't lol)



I disagree entirely. I think that in the years to come, people will remember "The Theory of Everything" purely because of the strength of Redmayne's acting, much like we remember "Forrest Gump" for Tom Hanks' performance or "On the Waterfront" for Marlon Brando's. Besides, I am usually skeptical of opinions that use superlatives such as "best" or "worst" ever.


I disagree completely.


I don't think many actors could have pulled off this role. He won because he transformed on screen, and that's actually difficult, despite what your contempt for his acting skills might tell you. By the same line of ludicrous reasoning, I could argue that any 60 year old actor e.g. Tom Hanks could have done Keaton's role in Birdman, or that Fassbender could have handled Gyllenhaal's role in Nightcrawler.


Eddie is a shapeshifter~my favorite kind of actor. Compare ER's tortured, embattled Hawking in "Theory", to his lovesick hero in "Les Miz". Add to that his beautiful, underplayed work in "My Week with Marilyn" and you get a portrait of the perfect actor. Put simply-Eddie is the most "watchable" Thesp of our time. Bravo. Cannot wait for "The Danish Girl" 💋
