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> Always have a placid Etonian look on your face as if to say 'I'm no threat. I'm a bit like you actually'. It's the Tony Blair effect. I'm not saying he's insincere, I'm just saying that, with his start in life, he has less reason to feel uncomfortable at the top table. CHECK.

You nailed it. This is a signature Etonian skill, lol.
I am always amazed how much Eddie reminds me of William (Windsor that is) in his manner of speaking and his face expressions.


"c) Be a 'floppy haired Etonian' at a time when it regarded by Americans as cool to be so, following in the Harry Potter effect of admiring those who go to public school (Americans version of private school). CHECK
d) Always have a placid Etonian look on your face as if to say 'I'm no threat. I'm a bit like you actually'. It's the Tony Blair effect..."

So... he has to ask forgiveness for having the face he has????  okaaayyyy  


In real life disabled people are looked down upon, regardless of how people feel about it in movies. Also, Richard Dawkins is the atheist version of a religious extremist. If people take offence to something he says, it's not necessarily because they're too sensitive. That's what people have to tell themselves to try and justify something.


"Richard Dawkins is the atheist version of a religious extremist."

To clarify: Religious extremists are notorious for using knives, guns and bombs to drive their points home. Dawkins to date has used microphones, pens and keyboards.

I have seen enough to know I have seen too much. -- ALOTO


I mean the non violent ones.
