
i was reading on the director in a NYtimes article and he says he's convinced that it's race not class that makes a difference in society. so he is post-racial. as a sociologist, i think that's cute that he's dellusional. you have to define class. how much money you have matters just as much as how you make your money and whether or not you subscribe to middle-class/upper-class values. look at micheal vic and oj they had plenty of money and at the end of the day, they were still black. money is the great equalizer as long as you (in the words of franz fanon)"denigrify" yourself. the saddest thing is that it is men like this--the posst-racial ones--that end up contributing to the genocide of Black people by dating and marrying non-Black women, but i'll leave that alone....


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It's both race and class that make a difference in this society, but,no he's not delusional to think that race still matters,no matter what your class. People need to quit thinking that just because Obama's been elected that we can all start acting like race dosen't exist/matter, because it still does. You're delusional if you think it dosen't. And get off that genocide BS---we as black people are STILL here, and no amount of intermarrying will change that, it never has and it never will.


^ Exactly. We're not freakin' dinosaurs!

waiting for "american violet", "whatever works", "precious", and "medicine for melancholy"


the saddest thing is that it is men like this--the posst-racial ones--that end up contributing to the genocide of Black people by dating and marrying non-Black women
I gotta say this. I'm sick of all this racist-sounding BS.
Swap the words 'Black' and 'White' around and you get more-or-less the same rubbish that the arryan/nazi/white supremacist idiots keep spouting. (Trust me, I've heard it a thousand times before.)

Now I'm not suggesting you are racist. It can be easy to get caught up in something and not see how something you say could be perceived in a different way.
It's just that what you said here, (just the bit I quoted), does sound that way.

(Just so you don't think I was hunting for something to reply to, I just watched Medicine for Melancholy tonight and wanted to see what else Barry Jenkins had made.)


BTW, how come the director hasn't made a follow-up film since MFM came out? Sure, he's done a few shorts,but usually most indie filmmakers I've heard of have at least 1 or 2 films out afterwards. I'd love to know, because I liked the film, and unfortunately, it does seem harder for black indie filmmakers to get their work out there more than white indie filmmakers,anyway.


Looks like Mr. Jankins has, in fact, gotten at least two new projects in the works---that's nice to hear.
