I've been told
That I look A LOT like her.
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v321/80/29/613484902/n61348 4902_1291518_4545.jpg
That I look A LOT like her.
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v321/80/29/613484902/n61348 4902_1291518_4545.jpg
Yeah kind of. Btw you have very good taste in music.
shareThank you!
sharewow no kidding. just the eye color is different eh?
shareI vote no.
shareI don't think so. Very rare, but eyes color difference.
shareyour v. good looking.. nice eyes and smile... I don't see a resemblance
shareI don't really see it... you're very pretty, but I don't really see much of a resemblance.
share+1 on this one.