That expression

AnnaSophia has always been this very expressive person, which is one of the key components to her great acting, but this time it's an emotionally tugging moment offscreen:

Just a quick trip the the #ER nothing visiting mama can't fix

Can someone look at that face and not be at least a little heartbroken?

Brought back a few feelings of Bridge to Terabithia and scenes such as:

Not that I'm assuming anything near the outcome of BtT, of course, though I will still take a moment to kindly state, I hope for a quick recovery to whatever happened.

P.S. I did notice the shortening of her name and thought, AnnaSophia is probably in the mood to let it slide this time.

W-a-a-a!..W-a-a-a!..How do you like it?!?..W-a-a-a!


Adam must have dropped the dog on her head.

If God gives you lemons, make lemonade. If given melons, return them and tell God he needs glasses


...Or perhaps after informing Sir Ferguson that they're heading back to NYC, i.e., going to continue hanging out with Adam, he bit her.

W-a-a-a!..W-a-a-a!..How do you like it?!?..W-a-a-a!


AW! AnnaSophia has that "cute", "huggable", or "endearing" quality. She's one of those people who causes an irrational desire to adore them, hug them, protect them, comfort them, etc. like you want to take her under your wing as your little sister.

[I'm trying really hard to say something like "precious", "lovable", "adorable" without suggesting "innocent/virginal/pure" because the latter is an unfair expectation of women and suggest value on the body instead of the personhood of a young woman.]


AW! AnnaSophia has that "cute", "huggable", or "endearing" quality. She's one of those people who causes an irrational desire to adore them, hug them, protect them, comfort them, etc. like you want to take her under your wing as your little sister.
That sums up my sentiment of her quite well. Except, I might add something such as "admire" and would say "as a younger sister," though AnnaSophia's somewhat below average height and petite figure would make her a little sister.

[I'm trying really hard to say something like "precious", "lovable", "adorable" without suggesting "innocent/virginal/pure" because the latter is an unfair expectation of women and suggest value on the body instead of the personhood of a young woman.]
I've become very particular with word selection, for the most part, but that hasn't lessened the communication difficulty because no one else follows the same guidelines.

For example:

"hot" "sexy" "fine" "doable" "f-able" etc solely express intimate thoughts.

"glamorous" "handsome" "gorgeous" "stunning" "elegant" "alluring" "becoming" "charming" "exquisite" etc seem appropriate to describe the admirably stylish and fashionable appearances.

"beautiful" is designated for a naturally and simplistically physically attractive person.

"adorable" covers those cliche scenic moments, the innocently smiling child, the giggling infant, child hugging a Teddy bear, and so on.

"Cute" can work as that go between "beautiful" and "adorable" or as a replacement.

"Pretty" to me encapsulates both external and internal beauty or physical attractiveness and personality. Basically, the ultimate compliment in my vocab book.

W-a-a-a!..W-a-a-a!..How do you like it?!?..W-a-a-a!


Why was she in the ER? Does anyone know?


I haven't solved that mystery, though still interested in knowing as well if anyone else is privy to the cause.

W-a-a-a!..W-a-a-a!..How do you like it?!?..W-a-a-a!


I can't decide if her expression is one of pain or good humor. Perhaps it is both.


I felt the expression was primarily for effect, though there's probably a little bit of genuine discomfort in there somewhere.

Most people only choose to visit the ER when the circumstance is frighteningly seirous, especially since it's typically nowhere near as efficient, i.e., quick, of a process as we hope -- that is, unless there's an obvious visual sign of trauma, such as a lot of blood.

W-a-a-a!..W-a-a-a!..How do you like it?!?..W-a-a-a!
