We can hold Adam accountable for other things, obviously, just not her post-Soul Surfer slump. Perhaps it was the gag-inducing saccharinity of the film that significantly quelled her passion for acting, in which case they ought to have called it Soul Sucker instead.
Her mom (Janet, I presume?) and her steadfastly pious approach to parenting seem to have been beneficial to AnnaSophia and have helped ground her in reality throughout childhood, so I wouldn't ascribe any culpability to her or her methods. She certainly shouldn't be blamed for AnnaSophia's ethical decline of late, with her current place of residence, New York, being the truly detrimental force at work here. It encourages rampant materialism and self-obsession, caters to the chauvinistic and exploits the impressionable, and, in time, can chip away one's spirit. It's a truly malevolent place and is hardly magnetic to anyone with an iota of sense, but for some reason AnnaSophia seems to be indelibly clinging to it like a barnacle. If she'd whittled away her childhood somewhere deprived, dull and unbearable like Detroit or Houston, I could understand her thinking, but a reasonable person hailing from Denver (which, its low air pressure, frosty temperatures and unfortunate reputation for gun massacres aside, is rather a pleasant place to live), especially someone who already has a lot of money, really ought to stay there unless they've managed to procure a house in the Maldives or San Francisco or somewhere similar. New York, while fancy, extravagant and ostentatious, really offers one very little of substance.
If God gives you lemons, make lemonade. If given melons, return them and tell God he needs glasses