This pitiable attempt at quoting E. E. Cummings' famous mantra would be embarrassing if it were written by a toddler, but for a 35-year-old man it's downright blasphemous.
to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best day and night to make you like everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight and never stop fighting
How about some punctuation, eh? No? Fine, suit yourself.
I want to be know by FAITH
Well, try harder. So far, you're known as a fraud, a charlatan, a narcissist, a pedophile, a simpleton and a pillock. All-caps can only get you so far, buddy.
Taken from his website:
Adam’s goal is to form a partnership with his clients
With clients ranging demographically from Australia to New York City
Uh oh. Mickjmor, protect your girlfriend (if you have one); even she's not safe from this predator...
We discussed the power of oneself; we engaged in meditation
Again, you don't understand or embrace Eastern philosophy, so stop meditating. Clearly your Uncle Joe (really?) was a bad influence on you.
it was then that I developed all the foundational skills of becoming a great coach
Yeah, like seduction, molestation, pretence and overwhelming arrogance. They're traits I've seen expressed by many men in his profession, come to think of it.
Change takes no talent
Evidently not...
Our time is now, losers wait till Monday or the New Year, winners take “wait” out of their vocabulary along with its sexy cousin “try” and replace them with “act” and “do”.
Please stop. For the love of God, please just stop.
Gandhi says, “be the change you wish to see in the world”.
OK, that's a step too far. You're quoting philosophers, authors, miscellaneous bastions of sagacity and insight, and now you've made the inevitable leap and you've quoted Gandhi. That sense of self-importance? Take it down a few pegs. As a matter of fact, drag it down to the bottom of the ladder, beat it senseless with a baseball bat, urinate all over it and throw it in a ditch. You want to emulate Gandhi? Start by being tolerable.
Your friend in health,
Adam aka Guru
I...I have no words. Nothing I am capable of uttering would do justice to the humiliation I'm feeling on behalf of this imbecile. AnnaSophia, take that loose screw of yours and twist it until it's tight. At the behest of us all, ditch this laughable chump and resume your status as a moderately respectable human being.
If God gives you lemons, make lemonade. If given melons, return them and tell God he needs glasses