Y'all play nice!
At least the OP had the guts to approach Megan, at all. The rest of you all act like the OP is such a coward, and that he would never approach her in person, but at least he has the guts to approach at least on here. The rest of you all are just jealous that you don't even have the guts to do that.
However, I am almost positive that Megan would most likely not respond to the OP's request. Trust me when I say that she is probably extremely flattered about the OP's request; however, no matter how much she would want to, she most likely could not respond out of fear to protect herself from things such as this. Of course, there is the whole issue of her not being able to see the OP in person, but even if she could see a photo of him and bio, as if she found him on Facebook or something, she most likely would not respond to his request because the fact that a person in her position must protect herself from certain things and situations.
If she met the OP through a friend, then that would be different. She would most likely be more open to pursuing a personal interaction with him in a situation like that.
To the OP: Don't take it to heart if you never hear from her. And I do agree that she has probably read everything on this IMDB board about her, including this particular topic.
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