MovieChat Forums > Megan Boone Discussion > Would be hot except...

Would be hot except...

She looks like a lego because of her EXCEPTIONALLY square jaw. Please note: I am a movie/TV fan and avid Internet-goer, and as such, it is MY RIGHT TO SAY WHATEVER THE *beep* I WANT ABOUT ANYONE IN THE ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY ON IMDB. there. And post is done :)


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And it's my right to tell any IMDB poster that they are insane.

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Dude, seriously, lighten up. Half the posts on actor's imdb message boards are about their looks. I actually think she's not a bad actress, but I, unlike YOU, have a sense of humor. And would I still hook up with her? OF COURSE I WOULD! But we live in a somewhat superficial society, and the apex of that is the entertainment industry. To say that looks are not important in the visual arts - not to they are the MOST important, just important - is to be naive about the society we live in and the way the world we really works. For every Rosie O'Donnell and Melissa McCarthy, there literally hundreds of thousands of wannabe actors who are ugly, may be talented, but will never truly make it in large part due to there looks. The other factors are connections (which is the MOST important - just look to every offspring of a famous person to prove that) and of course talent. But those are THE three factors - connections, followed by almost even spread of talent and looks. Also, when it comes to an actor's looks, while it is more important for women, it is still important for men too, so let's not isolate this factor to women only. For example, there are very few successful male actors who are bald - I can really only name a few: Bruce Willis, Michael Chiklis, John Malkovich, and most recently Corey Stoller. And hell, speaking of Stoller, they friggin gave him an excellent implant/wig job for his role in The Strain! I mean, he's a pretty solid actor, who I don't think necessarily needed a wig for that role, but some producer and/or the creators of the show or maybe an executive at FX specified that he wear a wig. I hope you get where I'm coming from - that is say - a place of knowledge, intellect, breadth, and pragmatism. I'm not a producer or anyone important in the entertainment industry, just a passionate fan as you probably are. But I am, and will always, be wise enough and practical enough to know that while are not the penultimate or lone factor in evaluating talent - they are not trivial or superfluous either.


Have to agree with you there..


My sense of humor is just fine, trust me. I'm not sure I'm the one who has to lighten up either. You're the one who just posted a massive wall of text.

You said Megan Boone looks like a lego. I could be wrong, but I gather you're saying she's not pretty. That is your opinion. I disagree with your opinion and don't think she looks like a lego. I happen to think she's pretty. That's my opinion. See how this works? Now, I'm not a doctor, so I can't diagnose you with insanity, especially through a post on a movie message board. It's just a saying. I don't think you're actually insane for thinking she looks like a lego.

I certainly didn't expect you to go off on a rant on the vanity of Hollywood's elite.

Also, Melissa McCarthy is beautiful. Just because she is heavy doesn't mean she is ugly. I'm not sure if you have children or not, but how would you like it if somebody called your daughter ugly because she was a little overweight?

Your post then goes on to imply that bald men aren't good looking, yet there are few exceptions of successful bald men in Hollywood who have overcome such a horrible disorder. Men who are bald can be good looking too.

I guess the thing to keep in mind is that everybody has different taste in people. You think that a square jaw is unattractive. Other people might find that a skinny face is unattractive. Everybody has their own specific taste.

Lastly, not every offspring of a famous person becomes successful. There are countless examples that would prove this. So I disagree with that statement too. Connections aren't most important. Sure, it can get you in the door, but in the end you have to be talented, regardless of one's beauty. Or their resemblance to a child's building block toy.

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Her jaw isnt really that bad...and that's really nothing compared to her main problem...which is her lack of a womanly figure. She's beautiful as hell but her body isnt that appealing at all.

Everything in moderation...including moderation..


Her DP doesnt tell the full story , I watched her on Blacklist and was totally swooned. She is gorgeous and those eyes are just amazing


I noticed that too. Drop dead gorgeous face but her body has no shape. I'm surprised that she wasn't forced to work with a fitness trainer considering the type of role she's playing on the Blacklist.
