MovieChat Forums > Joey King Discussion > I want to be an Actress

I want to be an Actress

Hi Joey my name is Melanie im 11 turning 12 in november im a big fan my drean is to become an actress because it is somethng i like to do ive been trying to find some actting roles available online but i cant find any well im not going to be able to persuade my dream but atlees there was somebody out their that was able to and she does one fine job....that would be well you...If their a role in a movie that free would you be able to let them know that i would be interresed and let me know because i live in canada far away from you atless i wish i lived closer so my dream was easier to reach but i guees i cant, well thanks anyways and BTW, you have me on twitter anyways i fallow you.....

Love Always Melanie,

big fan big fan i wish one day i get to met you or even Selena Gomez.....Btw THANK YOU


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