MovieChat Forums > Aly Michalka Discussion > Curses Like A Sailor in Easy A

Curses Like A Sailor in Easy A

Wow. If you have seen the script for her movie or the advanced copy of the movie, 60-70% of the swearing comes from her. I'm not bashing her, but I did find it surprising.


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why? how old are you, 12?

Everything Aly & AJ done up to this point (especially the way they dress) leads me to believe that the girls are not so goody-goody, especially Aly. I kinda like her better that way - makes her seem normal. I also think Aly would have no problem doing a topless or nude scene if the part required it.


Why? Well, I thought it was a given, but 2 reasons.

1. She has claimed herself as a Christian. And you cannot tell that no one in this board has used the word "Christian" to describe her.
2. It seems a little out of character. She does come off as a little edgy. She even co-hosted a Loveline radio show. But it is out of character.

I thought about using the "She a Disney kid" but that's is kinda of ignorant, seeing as Lindsay Lohan and Vanessa Hudgens are Disneyv products.

And no, I'm not 12.


Yea, I did see the video of what you're talking about. If you read the comments below, tens of hundreds of people were saying "No, she didn't say that." or "She really said...." So if she did or didn't, which she probably did, it sparkled a whole fanbase to come forth and argue. And I'm not saying she doesn't swear, but the massive amounts of it seemed a little out of character. And again, I'm not bashing her, it just seemed a little surprising.


1. She has claimed herself as a Christian. And you cannot tell that no one in this board has used the word "Christian" to describe her.
2. It seems a little out of character. She does come off as a little edgy. She even co-hosted a Loveline radio show. But it is out of character.

do you know Aly personally and able to define what is "out of character" for her and what isn't?


A&Afan, you seem a little livid that I said this. You're lashing out at me for saying that I didn't see this coming.

Obviously, no. I don't know her. But her demeanor and what she portrays on TV, movies, videos, etc. tell me that the role she played in this movie was a little surprising. I'm sorry if you think that I'm judging her, but all I said was this movie caught me off guard. I didn't say "How dare say" or "Why would she do this", I'd just said it caught me off guard.


to me, it seems you're the one over-reacting - A&A was just asking a question.

I have a question of my own. Why didn't you "see this coming"? As an actress, she's bound to do roles that expand into more adult roles. It's just the way things are, and you don't have to be in the business to figure that out.

I'm just curious, but did you expect her not to change?


I didn't expect it so brashly. I knew that she would expand into adult roles. But with the line of work and the audience she is targeting right now, I didn't expect for her to jump into a role like this so quickly.

And if I seem like I've overreacted, I'm sorry. The title is more of an attention grabber than anything. I'm just making conversation.
